| - %22Entangled%22 is a song by Genesis, recorded in November 1975 at Trident Studios, London for inclusion on the album A Trick of the Tail. It is the second track on the album, featuring 12-string acoustic guitars. Written by keyboardist Tony Banks and guitarist Steve Hackett, the song tells the story of an unpleasant period of illness. The song ends with a sequence featuring a solo blending the ARP 2600 synthesizer and the choir section on Tony Banks' Mellotron. According to Banks, %22Entangled%22 was a combination of a song fragment that Hackett had written in 6/8 but didn't yet have a chorus or a definitive direction, with a previously unused piece of music Banks had written that was also in 6/8. Banks and Hackett put the two pieces together, and had drummer, vocalist Phil Collins sing what Banks' original piano part had been. Said Banks, %22It produced what is probably my favourite track on that album, ending with a great cathedral-type feeling.%22 The song was performed live during the 1976 A Trick of the Tail Tour. A live performance of this song, filmed in Glasgow, is included in the 2007 Remaster DVD.In an interview on 11 December 2013 with classic rock music journalist Ray Shasho of examiner.com, Steve Hackett said this about the origin of %22Entangled%22... Ray Shasho states %22One of my favourite Genesis albums is …A Trick of the Tail (1976) which was the first release without original frontman Peter Gabriel. I had surgery and a two week stint in the hospital a few years back and a song that came into my mind during that time was “Entangled.” Was being in the hospital the premises of the song?%22Steve Hackett replied... “It was really the psychiatrist couch. Whether you place it in a hospital or somewhere else, it was the idea of drifting in and out of consciousness. I remember when I first had the lyric ready and I showed it to Phil who was going to sing it and he said this has got a Mary Poppins feel to it … Over the Rooftops and Houses. Indeed, the whole world of Disney cartoons and the attendant music was a huge influence on Genesis. Certainly throughout the '70s, beyond that … possibly less so for them, but then I really shouldn't comment on what they did post Gabriel and post me.”The musical arrangement of the song was the blueprint for the Elbow song %22Newborn%22.