| - In enzymology, a phthalate 4,5-dioxygenase (EC is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction phthalate + NADH + H+ + O2 cis-4,5-dihydroxycyclohexa-1(6),2-diene-1,2-dicarboxylate + NAD+ The 4 substrates of this enzyme are phthalate, NADH, H+, and O2, whereas its two products are and NAD+.
- La ftalato 4,5-diossigenasi è un enzima appartenente alla classe delle ossidoreduttasi, che catalizza la seguente reazione: ftalato + NADH + H+ + O2 ⇄ cis-4,5-diidrossicicloesa-1(6),2-diene-1,2-dicarbossilato + NAD+ L'enzima è un sistema, contenente una che una flavoproteina (FMN) ferro-zolfo, una ossigenasi ferro-zolfo, e nessuna ferredossina indipendente; richiede Fe2+.
- フタル酸-4,5-ジオキシゲナーゼ(phthalate 4,5-dioxygenase)は、次の化学反応を触媒する酸化還元酵素である。 フタル酸 + NADH + H+ + O2 cis-4,5-ジヒドロキシシクロヘキサ-1(6),2-ジエン-1,2-ジカルボン酸 + NAD+ 反応式の通り、この酵素の基質はフタル酸とNADHとH+とO2、生成物はcis-とNAD+である。補因子として鉄とFMNと鉄硫黄を用いる。 組織名はphthalate,NADH:oxygen oxidoreductase (4,5-hydroxylating)で、別名にPDO、phthalate dioxygenaseがある。
| - La ftalato 4,5-diossigenasi è un enzima appartenente alla classe delle ossidoreduttasi, che catalizza la seguente reazione: ftalato + NADH + H+ + O2 ⇄ cis-4,5-diidrossicicloesa-1(6),2-diene-1,2-dicarbossilato + NAD+ L'enzima è un sistema, contenente una che una flavoproteina (FMN) ferro-zolfo, una ossigenasi ferro-zolfo, e nessuna ferredossina indipendente; richiede Fe2+.
- In enzymology, a phthalate 4,5-dioxygenase (EC is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction phthalate + NADH + H+ + O2 cis-4,5-dihydroxycyclohexa-1(6),2-diene-1,2-dicarboxylate + NAD+ The 4 substrates of this enzyme are phthalate, NADH, H+, and O2, whereas its two products are and NAD+. This enzyme belongs to the family of oxidoreductases, specifically those acting on paired donors, with O2 as oxidant and incorporation or reduction of oxygen. The oxygen incorporated need not be derived from O2 with NADH or NADPH as one donor, and incorporation of two atoms of oxygen into the other donor. The systematic name of this enzyme class is phthalate,NADH:oxygen oxidoreductase (4,5-hydroxylating). Other names in common use include PDO, and phthalate dioxygenase. This enzyme participates in . It has 3 cofactors: iron, FMN, and Iron-sulfur.