| - Cup-a-Soup is an instant soup product sold under various brands worldwide. The soup is sold in sachets of powder which can be poured into a mug or cup, which is then filled with near-boiling water and stirred. In the United States and Canada the product is manufactured and marketed by Unilever's Lipton brand, and in Australia under the Continental brand. In the United Kingdom the product is sold as Batchelors Cup-a-Soup, a brand which is now owned by Premier Foods. In the Netherlands it is sold under the Unox brand. In South Africa, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Argentina, Poland and India it is sold under the Knorr brand, although it is distributed by Ajinomoto in Japan, which shares the same brand. Flavours include minestrone, chicken noodle, tomato soup and chicken and vegetable. Low-calorie versions also exist in the UK, under the name "Slim-a-Soup", and include slightly different flavors, such as Mediterranean tomato. 2007 saw the introduction of "Cup-a-Soup Extra", individual sachets of soup and pasta sold in a variety of flavors, including cheese and broccoli (with tagliatelle), chicken and mushroom (with pasta), minestrone, and Tangy Salsa Tomato.
- Cup-a-Soup (ook Cup·a·Soup of Cup a Soup) is een droge . De soep kan in poedervorm in een beker of soepkom gedaan worden, waarna er door het toevoegen van heet water een kant en klare soep ontstaat.
- Cup-a-Soup是一种即溶汤产品,以不同品牌在全球范围内销售。其以袋装粉末出售,烹饪方法是:将粉末倒入杯子中,然后倒入沸腾的水并搅拌。 在美国和加拿大,该产品由联合利华的立顿品牌生产和销售,在澳大利亚则以品牌生产和销售。在英国,该产品以Batchelors Cup-a-Soup 的形式出售,该品牌现在归所有。在荷兰,它以品牌出售。在南非、瑞典、比利时、丹麦、德国、阿根廷、波兰与印度,它以Knorr品牌销售,它们都是相同的产品。 Cup-a-Soup的口味包括蔬菜通心粉\鸡肉面条\番茄汤\鸡肉\蔬菜味。英国还有一个低热量版本,名为“Slim-a-Soup”,口味略有不同,比如地中海番茄味。在2007年还推出了“Cup-a-Soup Extra”