"think this is natural thing, not a device HP/JF" . _:b669087250 . _:b669087250 . _:b665846511 . _:b665903023 . . _:b665951617 . _:b669111435 . _:b665822214 . _:b665927320 . _:b665846511 . . _:b665951617 . _:b665223692 . _:b665199395 . "Apparatus in the fluidic subsystem of sorters that vibrates to break up the stream coming out of the flow chamber into droplets for sorting. The peizo electric crystal vibrates in a manner that breaks off droplets at regular intervals. Not all droplets contain a cell."@en . _:b665199395 . "piezo electric crystal"@en . _:b669111435 . "http://www.flocyte.com/FRTP/Resources/flow_cytometry_glossary.htm"@en . _:b665822214 . "quartz piezoelectric crystal, topaz piezoelectric crystal, piezoelectric crystal in a sonar"@en . _:b665903023 . _:b665878726 . _:b665927320 . _:b665223692 . _:b665878726 . _:b665822214 . _:b669087250 . _:b665878726 . "John Quinn"@en . _:b669111435 . _:b665878726 . _:b669087250 . _:b665199395 . _:b665223692 . _:b665822214 . _:b665903023 . _:b665199395 . _:b665846511 . _:b665199395 . _:b665846511 . "piezo electric crystal" . _:b665927320 . _:b665223692 . _:b665903023 . _:b665878726 . _:b665223692 . _:b665846511 . . _:b665951617 . _:b665822214 . _:b665951617 . _:b665927320 . _:b665903023 . _:b669111435 . _:b665951617 . _:b669087250 . . _:b665927320 . _:b669111435 .