_:b665874178 . _:b665194847 . _:b669106910 . _:b665841963 . _:b665841962 . _:b665817665 . _:b665898475 . _:b665874177 . _:b665947068 . _:b669106909 . _:b665947069 . _:b665194846 . _:b665841962 . _:b665817666 . _:b669082724 . _:b665219144 . _:b669082725 . _:b665817666 . _:b665922772 . _:b669106910 . _:b665874178 . . _:b665817665 . _:b665817666 . _:b669082724 . "Dan Berrios" . _:b669106910 . . _:b665219144 . _:b665947069 . "sequence alignment" . _:b669082725 . _:b665841962 . _:b669082724 . _:b665947068 . _:b665841963 . _:b669082725 . _:b665219143 . _:b665922772 . _:b665841963 . _:b665898475 . _:b665874177 . _:b665898474 . _:b665947068 . _:b665194846 . _:b665898475 . _:b669082725 . _:b665898474 . _:b669082724 . _:b665874178 . "Dan Berrios" . _:b665194847 . _:b665194846 . _:b665898474 . _:b665194846 . _:b665194847 . _:b665898475 . _:b669106909 . _:b665841962 . _:b665817665 . _:b669082724 . _:b665922771 . _:b665922771 . _:b665922772 . _:b665922771 . _:b665817665 . _:b665817666 . _:b665922772 . "A data transformation in which one or more sequences (reads) are positioned on a reference sequence template (often a reference set of genes), according to the genetic base-pairing paradigm."@en . _:b669106909 . "A data transformation in which one or more sequences (reads) are positioned on a reference sequence template (often a reference set of genes), according to the genetic base-pairing paradigm." . _:b665219143 . _:b665874177 . _:b665947069 . . _:b669106909 . _:b669106910 . _:b665922771 . _:b665947068 . _:b665219143 . "sequence alignment" . _:b669082725 . _:b665841963 . _:b665874177 . _:b665817665 . _:b665947069 . _:b665874178 . . _:b665194847 . _:b665947068 . _:b665194847 . _:b665817666 . _:b665874177 . _:b669106909 . _:b669106910 . _:b665922772 . _:b665947069 . _:b665922771 . _:b665874178 . _:b665219143 . _:b665898474 . _:b665219143 . _:b665219144 . _:b665841962 . _:b665898475 . _:b665219144 . _:b665841963 . _:b665194846 . _:b665219144 . _:b665898474 .