_:b665864658 . _:b669073288 . _:b665209626 . _:b665209624 . _:b665937549 . _:b665888955 . _:b665864659 . _:b665808146 . "fluorescently labeled MHC multimer" . _:b665937550 . _:b665937551 . _:b665864659 . _:b665209625 . _:b665808147 . _:b665888956 . _:b665864658 . _:b665209624 . _:b665937549 . _:b665209625 . _:b665864660 . _:b665209626 . _:b665913254 . _:b665185327 . _:b665808148 . _:b665888957 . _:b665832443 . _:b665913252 . _:b669073288 . _:b665864660 . _:b665832444 . _:b665888956 . _:b665832445 . _:b665832445 . _:b665209624 . _:b665832444 . _:b665185327 . _:b665209625 . _:b665832445 . _:b665209626 . . _:b665913252 . _:b669073286 . _:b665832443 . _:b669097471 . _:b665808148 . _:b665832444 . "fluorescently labeled MHC multimer" . _:b665185327 . _:b669097472 . _:b665864660 . _:b665808147 . _:b665888955 . _:b665864660 . _:b665864658 . _:b665864658 . _:b665864659 . _:b665888957 . _:b665185328 . _:b669097473 . _:b665888955 . _:b669097471 . _:b669073287 . _:b665937550 . _:b669073286 . _:b665185327 . _:b665209626 . _:b665185329 . _:b665209624 . _:b665888955 . _:b665209625 . _:b665832443 . _:b665185328 . _:b665832444 . _:b665185329 . _:b669097473 . _:b669073286 . _:b665209626 . _:b665888957 . _:b665913253 . _:b669073287 . _:b665808147 . . _:b665888956 . _:b669097471 . _:b669097473 . _:b665937551 . _:b669073286 . _:b665888956 . _:b665808148 . _:b669073287 . _:b665888956 . _:b669097472 . _:b665888957 . _:b665185329 . _:b665832443 . _:b665832445 . _:b665832443 . _:b665913253 . _:b665808146 . _:b669097472 . _:b665808147 . _:b665937549 . _:b665808147 . "A complex of two or more linked MHC molecules including a fluorescent label that can be loaded with a ligand, and is used in flow cytometry assay to bind to T cell receptors of T cells specific for the ligand"@en . _:b665185328 . _:b669097472 . _:b665808148 . _:b669097473 . _:b665888955 . _:b669073288 . _:b669097473 . _:b665808146 . _:b665808146 . _:b665937550 . _:b665832445 . _:b665185329 . _:b665832444 . _:b665937551 . _:b669097472 . _:b665185329 . _:b665185327 . _:b665808146 . _:b665808148 . _:b665185328 . _:b665864659 . _:b665937550 . _:b665888957 . _:b665913252 . _:b665913253 . _:b665913254 . _:b665937549 . _:b665864660 . _:b665937551 . _:b665937551 . _:b669073286 . . _:b669073288 . _:b665913254 . _:b665913252 . _:b665937550 . _:b665209624 . _:b665913253 . _:b665913253 . _:b665864658 . _:b665913252 . _:b669097471 . _:b665913254 . . _:b665937549 . _:b669073288 . _:b669097471 . "A complex of two or more linked MHC molecules including a fluorescent label that can be loaded with a ligand, and is used in flow cytometry assay to bind to T cell receptors of T cells specific for the ligand" . _:b669073287 . _:b665185328 . _:b665209625 . _:b665864659 . _:b669073287 . _:b665913254 .