_:b665184490 . _:b665831606 . _:b665936712 . "viral RNA extraction"@en . _:b665208787 . _:b665184490 . _:b665888118 . _:b665936712 . _:b665912415 . "The extraction of RNA from an input material that specifically isolates viral RNA"@en . _:b669072397 . _:b665831606 . _:b669072397 . "viral RNA extraction" . _:b669072397 . _:b665863821 . _:b669096582 . _:b665936712 . _:b665831606 . _:b665888118 . _:b665888118 . "The extraction of RNA from an input material that specifically isolates viral RNA" . _:b669096582 . _:b665184490 . _:b665912415 . . _:b665807309 . _:b665807309 . "Person:Bjoern Peters" . _:b669096582 . _:b665807309 . _:b665831606 . _:b665888118 . _:b665184490 . _:b665807309 . _:b665912415 . _:b669072397 . . _:b665208787 . . _:b669072397 . _:b665863821 . _:b665863821 . _:b665807309 . _:b665184490 . _:b669096582 . _:b665888118 . _:b665831606 . _:b665208787 . "The AccuPrepTM Viral RNA Extraction Kit is designed for the rapid and convenient extraction of viral RNA from cell-free samples as serum, plasma, CSF, urine, etc - http://www.biokits.com/moreinfos.html?id=2703" . _:b665863821 . _:b665936712 . _:b669096582 . _:b665208787 . _:b665936712 . . _:b665912415 . _:b665863821 . _:b665912415 . _:b665208787 .