. _:b667704746 . . _:b667726864 . "Clinical studies testing the efficacy of devices, techniques, procedures, or tests for the purpose of detecting the presence of disease, usually before there are any symptoms."^^ . _:b667704746 . "C71485"^^ . _:b667726864 . "Screening_Study"^^ . _:b667704746 "2024-11-04T15:53:40.347441"^^ . . . . _:b667726864 . _:b667726864 . . "screening trials"^^ . _:b667704745 . _:b667704745 . . . . . "Screening Study"^^ . "Research Activity"^^ . _:b667704746 . _:b667704745 "2024-11-04T15:53:39.018736"^^ . . "A type of study designed to assess or examine methods of identifying a condition (or risk factors for a condition) in people who are not yet known to have the condition (or risk factor). (Clinicaltrials.gov)"^^ . _:b667726864 . "SCREENING"^^ . . . . . _:b667704746 . . _:b667704746 . . . _:b667704745 . "Screening Study"^^ . . "Screening Trial"^^ . . . "C2348164"^^ . . . . . _:b667726864 "2024-11-13T05:01:49.077393"^^ . . "CDISC"^^ . . . _:b667704745 . _:b667704745 . "Screening Study"^^ . "CDISC-GLOSS"^^ .