_:b418789067 . _:b418789069 . _:b418789068 . _:b418789075 "0"^^ . _:b418789074 "0"^^ . _:b418789051 "0"^^ . "1996-01-15"^^ . _:b418789050 "0"^^ . "All I Want Is A Life" . _:b418789053 . "Tim McGraw songs" . _:b418789076 "0"^^ . _:b418789070 . . _:b418789053 "0"^^ . _:b418789059 . . _:b418789063 . _:b418789052 "0"^^ . _:b418789060 . _:b418789049 . _:b418789055 "0"^^ . _:b418789072 . . _:b418789050 . . "124.9"^^ . _:b418789057 . _:b418789055 . _:b418789054 . . "false"^^ . . _:b418789058 . . . "All I Want Is A Life" . . . "299710"^^ . . "James Stroud" . . _:b418789052 . "1995" . "Songs written by Stan Munsey" . . "-0.132159"^^ . . . "Music videos directed by Sherman Halsey" . _:b418789057 "0"^^ . "0"^^ . "PT213.94285714S"^^ . "b14bb717-668a-4735-a243-ce2e4ddf0b7e" . _:b418789051 . _:b418789056 "0"^^ . "0000-00-00"^^ . _:b418789059 "0"^^ . "false"^^ . . _:b418789062 . _:b418789054 "0.0108409375"^^ . _:b418789058 "0"^^ . "false"^^ . _:b418789056 . _:b418789061 . . _:b418789061 "0"^^ . . . . _:b418789060 "0"^^ . "Curb Records singles" . "-0.707729"^^ . _:b418789063 "0"^^ . "-12.2"^^ . _:b418789062 "0"^^ . "USCRB0101009" . "1996 singles" . _:b418789076 . _:b418789074 . _:b418789065 "0"^^ . . _:b418789071 . _:b418789075 . . "Songs written by Don Pfrimmer" . "Byron Gallimore" . _:b418789072 . _:b418789073 . _:b418789064 "0"^^ . _:b418789067 "0"^^ . _:b418789065 . "Songs written by Tony Mullins" . _:b418789064 . _:b418789062 . _:b418789066 "0"^^ . "english" . _:b418789063 . _:b418789060 . _:b418789061 . _:b418789058 . _:b418789069 "0"^^ . _:b418789059 . _:b418789066 . "213000.0"^^ . _:b418789056 . _:b418789057 . _:b418789070 . _:b418789076 . _:b418789068 "0"^^ . "1995 songs" . "0"^^ . _:b418789071 . _:b418789068 . _:b418789069 . _:b418789074 . . "%22All I Want Is a Life%22 is a song written by Stan E. Munsey, Tony Mullins and Don Pfrimmer, and performed by American country music artist Tim McGraw. It was released in January 1996 as the third single and partial title track to his album All I Want. It peaked at #5 in the United States, and #2 in Canada." . _:b418789071 "0"^^ . _:b418789066 . _:b418789067 . _:b418789064 . _:b418789075 . "Stan Munsey" . _:b418789065 . _:b418789070 "0"^^ . _:b418789073 . "75781026" . "Curb Records" . "0.741121"^^ . "Tony Mullins" . "Song recordings produced by James Stroud" . "[%22all i want is a life%22,%22to drink from a glass from a well that ain't dry%22,%22i'm sick of the crumbs i want a piece of that pie%22,%22i don't mind the hours and the pain that comes from workin'%22]" . "333" . _:b418789054 . "Song recordings produced by Byron Gallimore" . _:b418789055 . _:b418789052 . _:b418789053 . "5714dee925ac0d8aee559067" . _:b418789050 . _:b418789051 . _:b418789073 "0"^^ . _:b418789049 . _:b418789072 "0"^^ . _:b418789049 "0"^^ .