_:b417043337 . _:b417043342 . _:b417043343 . _:b417043340 . _:b417043341 . _:b417043330 . _:b417043331 . _:b417043328 . _:b417043329 . "-0.485901"^^ . _:b417043334 . _:b417043335 . _:b399147328 . _:b417043332 . _:b417043333 . _:b417043354 . "-0.521089"^^ . _:b417043355 . _:b417043352 . . _:b417043353 . _:b401722484 "tucks influences" . _:b417043356 . _:b417043357 . _:b417043346 . _:b417043347 . _:b417043344 . _:b417043345 . _:b417043350 . _:b417043351 . _:b401722495 "for void plesure" . _:b417043348 . _:b417043349 . "false"^^ . _:b417043329 . _:b401722491 "misc" . _:b417043352 . _:b401722506 "70s" . . "%22The Trees They Grow So High%22 is a British folk song (Roud 31, Laws O35). The song is known by many titles, including %22The Trees They Do Grow High%22, %22Daily Growing%22, %22Young But Daily Growing%22 and %22Bonny Boy is Young (But Growing)%22.A two-verse fragment of the song is found in the Scottish manuscript collection of the 1770s of David Herd. This was used by Robert Burns as the basis for his poem %22Lady Mary Ann%22 (published 1792). The subject of the song is an arranged marriage of a young girl by her father to a boy who is even younger than she. There are numerous versions of both the tune and lyrics. In one set of lyrics the groom is twelve when he marries and a father at 13.According to Roud and Bishop:%22Judging by the number of versions gathered in the major manuscript collections and later sound recordings, this song has been a firm favourite with singers in Britain, Ireland and North America for a long time, the wording varies surprisingly little across the English versions and the story is always the same, and these probably derive from nineteenth-century broadside printings, of which there are many.%22" . _:b417043356 . _:b417043355 . "TRUTNYW128F92F95DF" . "true"^^ . _:b417043337 . _:b417043323 "0"^^ . _:b417043333 . _:b417043335 . "true"^^ . _:b401722485 "rock and roll mia favoritos" . _:b417043325 "0"^^ . _:b401722505 "british folk revival" . _:b401722510 "de todo mio favoritos" . _:b417043324 "0"^^ . _:b417043330 . _:b417043323 . _:b417043327 "0"^^ . _:b417043326 . _:b417043327 . _:b417043324 . _:b417043325 . _:b417043326 "0"^^ . _:b417043342 . _:b399147326 . _:b417043350 . _:b399147327 . _:b417043351 . _:b417043345 . _:b401722506 "16"^^ . _:b401722488 . "0"^^ . _:b401722489 . _:b401722490 . _:b401722491 . _:b401722507 "16"^^ . _:b401722492 . _:b401722493 . _:b401722494 . _:b401722495 . _:b401722504 "16"^^ . _:b401722480 . _:b401722509 "dreamy" . _:b401722481 . _:b417043349 . _:b401722482 . _:b417043345 "0"^^ . _:b417043336 . _:b401722483 . _:b401722484 . _:b417043338 . _:b401722485 . _:b401722486 . _:b417043344 "0"^^ . _:b401722487 . _:b401722510 "16"^^ . _:b401722496 "powerful" . _:b417043326 . . _:b417043347 "0"^^ . _:b401722499 "33"^^ . _:b401722517 "sitrc:forests and woodland" . "The Trees They Do Grow High" . _:b401722504 "sad" . _:b417043346 "0"^^ . _:b401722508 "16"^^ . _:b417043327 . _:b401722488 "folk revival" . _:b417043349 "0"^^ . _:b399147327 "dreamy" . _:b417043354 . _:b401722509 "16"^^ . _:b417043323 . _:b417043325 . _:b417043348 . _:b417043348 "0"^^ . _:b417043343 . _:b417043341 . _:b401722498 "16"^^ . _:b417043347 . _:b401722503 "1960s" . _:b417043351 "0"^^ . _:b401722511 "33"^^ . _:b417043344 . _:b417043350 "0"^^ . _:b401722496 "16"^^ . _:b401722505 "50"^^ . _:b417043340 . _:b417043353 "0"^^ . _:b401722497 "16"^^ . _:b399147326 "16"^^ . "The Trees They Do Grow High" . _:b417043352 "0"^^ . _:b401722502 "16"^^ . _:b399147327 "16"^^ . _:b401722511 "trad" . _:b417043355 "0"^^ . _:b417043339 . _:b417043354 "0"^^ . _:b401722500 "16"^^ . _:b417043346 . _:b401722515 "suffering" . _:b417043357 "0"^^ . _:b401722501 "16"^^ . _:b401722490 "folk" . _:b417043332 . _:b417043356 "0"^^ . _:b417043353 . _:b417043328 . _:b401722512 . "english" . _:b401722493 "the trees they do grow high" . _:b401722513 . _:b401722514 . _:b401722497 "the day mr moog died" . _:b401722515 . _:b401722516 . . _:b401722517 . _:b401722518 . _:b401722508 "ballad" . _:b417043329 "0"^^ . _:b401722504 . _:b401722505 . _:b401722506 . _:b401722507 . _:b417043328 "0"^^ . . _:b401722508 . _:b401722509 . _:b401722510 . _:b401722511 . _:b417043357 . _:b417043331 "0"^^ . _:b401722496 . "5714dee825ac0d8aee54abcc" . _:b401722497 . _:b401722489 "83"^^ . "18th-century songs" . _:b401722498 . _:b401722499 . _:b417043330 "0"^^ . _:b401722512 "come down" . _:b401722500 . _:b401722500 "trees" . _:b417043334 . _:b417043331 . _:b401722501 . _:b401722502 . _:b401722503 . _:b417043333 "0"^^ . _:b401722513 "33"^^ . _:b417043332 "0"^^ . _:b401722514 "16"^^ . _:b417043335 "0"^^ . _:b401722515 "16"^^ . _:b401722501 "progressive rock" . _:b417043334 "0"^^ . _:b401722512 "16"^^ . _:b399147328 "16"^^ . _:b417043337 "0"^^ . _:b401722502 "electric folk" . _:b401722483 "83"^^ . _:b401722480 "folk rock" . _:b417043336 "0"^^ . _:b401722518 "16"^^ . _:b401722503 "83"^^ . _:b417043339 "0"^^ . _:b401722492 "old songs" . _:b417043338 "0"^^ . _:b401722516 "16"^^ . _:b401722513 "ef369" . _:b417043341 "0"^^ . _:b401722517 "16"^^ . _:b401722487 "83"^^ . _:b401722490 "100"^^ . _:b417043340 "0"^^ . "British folk songs" . _:b401722483 "60s" . _:b401722494 "english" . _:b417043343 "0"^^ . _:b417043342 "0"^^ . _:b401722507 "uk folk" . _:b401722495 "0"^^ . _:b401722514 "rock" . _:b399147328 "sad" . _:b401722491 "16"^^ . _:b401722487 "british folk" . . _:b399147326 "romantic" . _:b401722488 "16"^^ . _:b401722518 "60s-70s" . _:b401722489 "into the trees" . . _:b401722493 "0"^^ . _:b401722486 "romantic" . "19"^^ . . _:b401722494 "16"^^ . _:b401722498 "musique populaire" . _:b401722481 "folk jazz" . . _:b401722492 "16"^^ . _:b401722480 "33"^^ . _:b401722499 "pentangle" . "Ballads" . "f484fb92-1360-4fc4-b657-75fa73584a31" . _:b401722482 "rthompson" . _:b401722481 "16"^^ . _:b401722486 "16"^^ . _:b401722482 "0"^^ . "Year of song unknown" . "Joan Baez songs" . _:b401722484 "16"^^ . _:b401722516 "sentimental" . _:b417043338 . _:b401722485 "16"^^ . _:b417043339 . _:b417043336 . _:b417043324 .