_:b402563035 "the zombies" . _:b402563072 "male vocalists" . . _:b402563065 "7"^^ . _:b402563073 "early hard rock" . "%22Around and Around%22 is a 1958 rock song written and first recorded by Chuck Berry. It originally appeared under the name %22Around & Around%22 as the B-side to the single %22Johnny B. Goode%22." . "The Rolling Stones songs" . _:b402563062 "60s" . _:b415769633 "0"^^ . _:b402563061 "14"^^ . _:b402563037 "soramimi" . _:b402563063 "7"^^ . _:b415769632 "0"^^ . "6"^^ . "David Bowie songs" . "1958 songs" . _:b415769635 "0"^^ . _:b402563057 "blues piano" . _:b415769634 "0"^^ . _:b402563070 "the yardbirds" . _:b402563060 "7"^^ . _:b415769637 "0"^^ . _:b415769636 "0.0138283605"^^ . _:b402563059 "7"^^ . _:b402563047 "i want back to the 60s" . _:b402563056 "soul rock" . _:b402563040 "60s hard rock" . _:b402563058 "7"^^ . _:b415769639 "0"^^ . _:b402563057 "7"^^ . _:b402563064 "35"^^ . _:b402563035 . _:b402563036 . _:b415769638 "0"^^ . "-12.1"^^ . _:b402563037 . _:b402563056 "7"^^ . _:b402563038 . _:b402563039 . _:b415769641 "0"^^ . _:b415769640 "0"^^ . _:b402563086 "7"^^ . . "3123402" . _:b415769643 "0"^^ . _:b402563081 "alternative rock" . "The Animals songs" . _:b402563052 "rock and roll" . _:b402563066 "emo" . _:b402563085 "7"^^ . "164000.0"^^ . _:b402563044 "crossover" . _:b415769642 "0"^^ . "0"^^ . _:b402563056 . _:b415769645 "0"^^ . _:b402563057 . _:b402563083 "7"^^ . _:b402563058 . _:b402563059 . _:b402563060 . _:b415769644 "0"^^ . _:b402563080 "14"^^ . "Chess Records" . _:b402563082 "7"^^ . _:b402563061 . _:b402563062 . _:b402563063 . _:b402563064 . _:b415769647 "0"^^ . _:b402563065 . _:b402563066 . _:b402563087 "28"^^ . _:b402563067 . _:b402563068 . _:b415769646 "0"^^ . _:b402563069 . _:b402563070 . _:b415769631 . _:b402563089 "anhoeren" . _:b402563081 "0"^^ . _:b402563071 . _:b402563040 . "Chuck Berry" . _:b402563041 . _:b402563042 . _:b402563087 "the animals" . _:b402563078 "0"^^ . _:b402563071 "british blues" . . _:b402563043 . _:b402563044 . "false"^^ . . _:b402563045 . _:b402563046 . _:b402563079 "0"^^ . _:b402563047 . _:b402563048 . _:b402563049 . _:b402563088 "oldies" . _:b402563053 "the beatles" . "Grateful Dead songs" . _:b402563076 "0"^^ . _:b402563050 . . _:b402563051 . _:b402563052 . . _:b402563042 "rock roll" . _:b402563053 . _:b402563054 . _:b402563090 "92"^^ . _:b402563055 . _:b402563082 "punk" . . _:b402563075 "7"^^ . _:b402563077 "28"^^ . _:b402563072 "14"^^ . _:b402563074 "7"^^ . _:b402563078 "alternative" . _:b402563048 "protopunk" . _:b402563085 "roll" . _:b402563073 "0"^^ . _:b402563046 "celeste nostalgia" . _:b402563059 "poprock" . _:b402563039 "0"^^ . _:b402563037 "7"^^ . "TRDTVXQ128E078E07C" . _:b402563077 "cover" . "0.29636"^^ . _:b402563079 "britrock" . _:b402563036 "7"^^ . _:b402563080 "british invasion" . _:b402563060 "pm classic rock" . _:b415769643 . "Around And Around" . _:b402563035 "7"^^ . _:b402563063 "punk rock" . "291435"^^ . _:b402563084 "92"^^ . _:b415769635 . _:b402563039 "proto-punk" . _:b402563038 "21"^^ . _:b402563088 "35"^^ . _:b415769638 . _:b402563058 "pfon" . _:b415769639 . _:b402563049 "mod rock" . _:b415769636 . _:b402563088 . _:b402563089 . _:b415769640 . _:b402563090 . _:b415769648 . "english" . _:b402563051 "steppenwolf" . "0.130539"^^ . _:b415769631 "0"^^ . _:b402563074 "screamo" . _:b415769644 . _:b415769649 . _:b402563089 "7"^^ . _:b415769642 . _:b402563076 "britpop" . _:b402563072 . _:b415769646 . _:b402563073 . _:b402563074 . . _:b402563075 . _:b402563043 "chuck berry" . _:b402563076 . _:b402563077 . _:b402563075 "lazy radio" . _:b402563078 . _:b402563079 . _:b402563080 . _:b402563081 . _:b402563082 . "GBAYE6400238" . _:b402563083 . _:b402563084 . _:b402563085 . _:b402563065 "tungt03" . "Songs written by Chuck Berry" . "1958 singles" . _:b402563086 . _:b402563087 . "5714dee625ac0d8aee53400f" . _:b415769641 . "1990-07-01"^^ . _:b415769647 . "false"^^ . "true"^^ . _:b402563055 "7"^^ . _:b415769645 . _:b402563045 "42"^^ . _:b402563054 "7"^^ . _:b402563062 "100"^^ . _:b402563069 "hard rock" . _:b402563053 "7"^^ . _:b402563041 "rnb" . _:b402563064 "mod" . "Chuck Berry songs" . . _:b415769634 . _:b415769635 . _:b415769633 . _:b402563049 "14"^^ . _:b415769632 . _:b402563051 "7"^^ . _:b415769633 . _:b402563050 "0"^^ . _:b415769638 . _:b415769639 . _:b415769636 . "1958-03-31"^^ . _:b415769637 . _:b415769642 . _:b415769643 . _:b415769640 . _:b415769641 . _:b402563048 "0"^^ . _:b415769646 . . _:b415769647 . _:b415769644 . _:b415769645 . . _:b415769649 "0"^^ . _:b402563054 "blues-rock" . _:b415769648 . _:b415769649 . _:b415769634 . _:b402563046 "0"^^ . _:b402563084 "classic rock" . _:b415769648 "0"^^ . _:b415769637 . _:b402563047 "0"^^ . . _:b402563052 "35"^^ . _:b402563044 "0"^^ . _:b402563050 "velharia" . _:b402563045 "rock n roll" . _:b402563055 "influences" . _:b415769632 . "eng" . _:b402563068 "historisch" . _:b402563086 "british" . _:b402563090 "rock" . _:b402563036 "hillesha" . _:b402563042 "7"^^ . "113.0"^^ . _:b402563043 "14"^^ . _:b402563041 "7"^^ . _:b402563040 "0"^^ . _:b402563083 "the small faces" . "ad8113e9-364e-4771-90f6-e4e2ab2b8ac4" . _:b402563071 "7"^^ . _:b402563070 "7"^^ . _:b402563067 "blues" . . _:b402563069 "7"^^ . _:b402563061 "the rolling stones" . _:b402563068 "0"^^ . _:b415769631 . "Around And Around" . _:b402563038 "the very best of the 60s" . _:b402563067 "7"^^ . "3350" . _:b402563066 "0"^^ .