"928606" . _:b411897204 . _:b411897185 . _:b411897190 . _:b411897198 "0"^^ . _:b411897191 . _:b411897188 . _:b411897189 . _:b411897179 . . _:b411897182 . _:b411897183 "0.0146231875"^^ . _:b411897183 . _:b411897180 . _:b411897181 . "Harry Belafonte songs" . _:b411897201 "0"^^ . _:b411897196 . "--04-12" . . _:b411897200 "0"^^ . "Judy Collins songs" . _:b411897203 "0"^^ . _:b411897205 . _:b411897200 . "-14.8"^^ . . _:b411897202 "0"^^ . "Chris Hillman songs" . _:b411897197 . _:b411897205 "0"^^ . "Tomorrow Is A Long Time" . "Songs written by Bob Dylan" . _:b411897204 "0"^^ . "4"^^ . "Dion DiMucci songs" . _:b411897207 "0"^^ . _:b411897207 . "Joan Baez songs" . _:b411897201 . "Rod Stewart songs" . _:b411897206 "0"^^ . "false"^^ . _:b411897179 . _:b411897194 . "false"^^ . _:b411897206 . _:b411897199 . "Odetta songs" . _:b411897193 . _:b411897208 "0"^^ . _:b411897203 . "5714dee225ac0d8aee4fba5c" . _:b411897189 . _:b411897210 "0"^^ . "224000.0"^^ . _:b411897188 . _:b411897179 "0"^^ . "[%22ah but only if my own true love is waitin'%22,%22yes and if i could hear her heart a softly poundin'%22,%22would i rest in my bed once again%22,%22i can't hear the echoes of my footsteps%22]" . . _:b411897180 . _:b411897191 . . "false"^^ . "We Five songs" . _:b411897181 "0"^^ . "1963 songs" . _:b411897186 . _:b411897184 "0.0116455695"^^ . . _:b411897181 . _:b411897180 "0"^^ . "2007-08-27"^^ . "Bob Dylan" . _:b411897185 "0"^^ . . _:b411897185 . _:b411897208 . "-0.369146"^^ . _:b411897182 "0"^^ . _:b411897187 "0"^^ . . _:b411897186 "0"^^ . "Bob Dylan songs" . "1440" . _:b411897189 "0"^^ . "Tomorrow Is A Long Time" . _:b411897182 . _:b411897188 "0"^^ . _:b411897190 . _:b411897191 "0"^^ . "Columbia Records" . "288863"^^ . _:b411897190 "0"^^ . _:b411897210 . _:b411897198 . _:b411897193 "0"^^ . "USPR37105161" . _:b411897208 . _:b411897183 . _:b411897209 . _:b411897187 . _:b411897209 . _:b411897192 "0"^^ . "6"^^ . "The Kingston Trio songs" . . _:b411897202 . _:b411897195 "0"^^ . _:b411897203 . _:b411897200 . "english" . _:b411897201 . _:b411897206 . _:b411897194 "0"^^ . _:b411897207 . _:b411897204 . _:b411897210 . _:b411897205 . _:b411897184 . _:b411897194 . _:b411897197 "0"^^ . _:b411897195 . _:b411897192 . _:b411897195 . "-0.494892"^^ . _:b411897193 . "Elvis Presley songs" . _:b411897198 . _:b411897196 "0"^^ . _:b411897192 . "179.0"^^ . _:b411897199 . _:b411897196 . _:b411897209 "0.0128678875"^^ . _:b411897197 . . "%22Tomorrow Is a Long Time%22 is a song written and recorded by Bob Dylan. Dylan's version first appeared on the album Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. II compilation, released in 1971. It was subsequently included in the rare triple LP compilation, Masterpieces." . _:b411897202 . _:b411897199 "0"^^ . _:b411897186 . _:b411897187 . _:b411897184 .