"Elektra Records" . _:b399419811 "favourite" . _:b399419835 "sad" . _:b399419796 "melancholic" . _:b399419772 . _:b399419773 . _:b399419774 . _:b399419775 . _:b399419758 "kirk hammett" . _:b399419768 . _:b399419769 . "-0.115105"^^ . _:b399419770 . _:b399419771 . _:b399419764 . _:b399419765 . _:b399419766 . _:b399419767 . _:b399419760 . _:b399419761 . _:b399419762 . _:b399419836 "fav" . _:b399419763 . _:b399419756 . _:b399419757 . _:b399419758 . _:b399419759 . _:b399419762 "one of the frickin best songs ever" . "Anti-war songs" . _:b399419753 . _:b399419754 . _:b399419755 . _:b399419837 "metal" . "Metallica songs" . _:b399419778 "trash metal" . _:b399268094 "0"^^ . _:b407808197 . _:b399419760 "classic" . _:b399268095 "1"^^ . _:b399268092 "0"^^ . _:b399419849 "the best of metallica" . _:b399419850 "2"^^ . _:b399419784 "old school" . _:b399268093 "0"^^ . _:b399419756 "metal ballad" . _:b399419771 "power ballad" . _:b399419851 "0"^^ . _:b399419799 "progressive thrash metal" . _:b407808195 . _:b407808194 . _:b407808193 . _:b399419848 "1"^^ . _:b407808198 . _:b399419852 "17"^^ . _:b399419836 . _:b399419849 "2"^^ . _:b399419782 "fuck yeah" . _:b399419837 . _:b407808199 . _:b399419838 . _:b399419839 . _:b399419832 . _:b399419833 . _:b399419809 "brilliant" . _:b399419846 "0"^^ . _:b399419844 "8"^^ . _:b399419834 . _:b399419767 "thrash metal" . _:b399419835 . _:b399419828 . _:b399419823 "great solo" . "Extasy Records" . _:b399419829 . _:b399419830 . _:b399419831 . _:b399419847 "1"^^ . _:b399419824 . _:b399419825 . "447000.0"^^ . _:b399419826 . _:b399419827 . _:b399419847 "great lyrics" . . _:b399419820 . _:b399419821 . _:b399419822 . _:b399419823 . _:b399419845 "1"^^ . _:b399419816 . _:b399419817 . _:b399419818 . _:b399419842 "0"^^ . _:b399419819 . _:b399419812 . _:b399419813 . _:b399419814 . _:b407808205 . _:b399419843 "0"^^ . _:b399419815 . _:b399419808 . _:b399419809 . _:b399419810 . _:b399419841 "4"^^ . _:b399419765 "1989" . _:b399419840 "1"^^ . _:b399419811 . _:b399419804 . _:b399419805 . _:b399419806 . _:b399419807 . _:b399419800 . _:b399419801 . _:b399419802 . _:b399268092 . _:b399419754 "james hetfield" . _:b399419803 . _:b399419839 "100 greatest guitar solos" . _:b399268093 . _:b399419796 . _:b399268094 . _:b399419797 . _:b399268095 . _:b399419798 . _:b399419799 . _:b407808202 . _:b399419792 . _:b399419793 . _:b399419794 . _:b399419795 . "Songs written by Lars Ulrich" . _:b407808207 . _:b399419788 . . _:b399419789 . _:b399419810 "best songs ever" . _:b399419790 . _:b399419791 . _:b399419784 . _:b399419785 . _:b399419786 . _:b399419852 "hard rock" . _:b399419787 . _:b399419850 "guitar solo" . _:b399419780 . _:b399419781 . _:b399419782 . _:b407808204 . _:b399419783 . _:b399419776 . _:b407808206 . _:b399419801 "moody" . _:b407808203 . _:b399419777 . _:b399419778 . _:b399419779 . _:b399419766 "usa" . _:b399419779 "guitar hero iii" . _:b407808200 . _:b407808201 . _:b399419845 "memories" . . _:b399268095 "sad" . . "GBAMC9400003" . "1980s ballads" . _:b407808192 . _:b407808196 . _:b399419833 "ballad" . _:b407808190 . _:b399419794 "progressive metal" . _:b407808186 . _:b399419852 . _:b399419795 "power metal" . _:b399419843 "old favorites" . _:b399419848 . "-0.933314"^^ . _:b399419849 . _:b399419850 . _:b399419851 . _:b399419844 . _:b407808189 . _:b399419846 "my stuff" . _:b399419845 . _:b407808185 . _:b399419846 . _:b399419847 . _:b399419840 . _:b407808181 "0"^^ . _:b399419841 . _:b399419842 . . _:b399419843 . _:b407808180 "0"^^ . _:b399419808 "rock" . _:b407808183 "0"^^ . . _:b399419804 "symphonic metal" . _:b407808182 "0"^^ . _:b399419781 "great" . _:b407808185 "0"^^ . _:b407808181 . _:b399419828 "masterpiece" . _:b407808184 "0"^^ . "Compact Cassette" . _:b407808187 "0"^^ . _:b399419791 "alternative" . _:b407808186 "0"^^ . _:b399419803 "metallica" . _:b407808189 "0"^^ . "false"^^ . _:b407808188 "0"^^ . "James Hetfield" . _:b407808191 "0"^^ . _:b399419834 "legend" . _:b407808190 "0"^^ . _:b407808180 . _:b399419780 "favorite song" . _:b399419786 "metallica - one" . _:b407808184 . _:b407808206 . _:b407808207 . _:b407808204 . _:b407808205 . _:b399419822 "0"^^ . _:b399419757 "amazing" . _:b407808202 . _:b407808203 . _:b399419823 "2"^^ . _:b407808200 . _:b407808201 . _:b407808198 . _:b407808199 . "true"^^ . _:b407808196 . "749698"^^ . _:b407808197 . "true"^^ . _:b407808194 . _:b407808191 . _:b407808195 . _:b407808183 . _:b407808182 . _:b407808192 . "TRMLBEG128F42BA124" . _:b399419805 "spotify" . _:b407808193 . _:b399419821 "1"^^ . _:b399419817 "and justice for all" . _:b399419819 "4"^^ . _:b399419818 "5"^^ . _:b399419816 "1"^^ . "111.0"^^ . "M Multitracks/Metallica - One" . . _:b399419817 "1"^^ . _:b399419772 "war" . "119" . _:b399419814 "1"^^ . _:b399419808 "31"^^ . _:b399419815 "1"^^ . "5714dedb25ac0d8aee4ad821" . _:b399419813 "7"^^ . _:b399419812 "0"^^ . _:b399419837 "100"^^ . _:b399419820 "59"^^ . "Music videos directed by Michael Salomon" . _:b399419810 "0"^^ . _:b399419768 "oldies" . _:b407808187 . _:b407808188 . _:b399419811 "0"^^ . "Elektra Records singles" . . _:b399419763 "80s" . _:b399419809 "0"^^ . _:b399419838 "3"^^ . _:b399419842 "classics" . _:b399419839 "3"^^ . _:b399419800 "favourites" . _:b399419755 "guitar hero" . _:b399419836 "0"^^ . _:b399419789 "american" . _:b399419813 "epic" . _:b399419834 "0"^^ . _:b399419835 "1"^^ . _:b399419822 "anti-war" . _:b399419833 "4"^^ . _:b399419832 "0"^^ . _:b399419798 "alternative rock" . _:b399419830 "2"^^ . "Heavy metal ballads" . _:b399419831 "0"^^ . "1988-01" . "1989 singles" . _:b399419829 "2"^^ . _:b399419828 "6"^^ . "One" . _:b399419821 "drums" . _:b407808190 . _:b407808191 . _:b407808188 . _:b399419759 "powerful" . _:b407808189 . _:b407808186 . _:b399419826 "1"^^ . _:b407808187 . _:b407808184 . _:b407808185 . _:b399419827 "0"^^ . _:b407808182 . _:b407808183 . _:b407808180 . _:b407808181 . _:b399419824 "0"^^ . "Songs written by James Hetfield" . _:b399419806 "metalica" . _:b399268092 "dark" . _:b399419793 "riffs" . _:b399419761 "awsome" . _:b399419825 "0"^^ . _:b399419790 "3"^^ . _:b399419802 "great guitar solo" . _:b399419791 "1"^^ . _:b399419788 "0"^^ . _:b399419789 "4"^^ . "56d2735d-abc7-4070-9c3f-bc27593d922d" . _:b399419830 "awesome guitar jams" . _:b399419769 "aggressive" . _:b399419786 "2"^^ . . _:b399419775 "classic rock" . _:b399419812 "the best" . _:b399419814 "metal ballads" . _:b399419787 "1"^^ . _:b399419825 "male vocalists" . _:b399419832 "great lyricists" . _:b399419784 "1"^^ . _:b399419785 "0"^^ . _:b399419782 "1"^^ . "2008-08-18"^^ . _:b399419819 "classic metal" . _:b399419783 "2"^^ . _:b399419831 "80s metal" . _:b399419780 "0"^^ . _:b399419781 "0"^^ . _:b399419778 "3"^^ . _:b399419844 "awesome" . . _:b399419776 "live" . "Gramophone record" . _:b399419787 "favourite songs" . _:b399419779 "1"^^ . _:b399419758 "0"^^ . "english" . _:b399419777 "4"^^ . _:b399419851 "gh3" . _:b399419776 "0"^^ . _:b399419759 "0"^^ . _:b399419756 "2"^^ . _:b399419753 "favorite songs from all time" . _:b399419783 "1988" . . _:b399419806 "0"^^ . _:b399419788 "johnny got his gun" . _:b399419757 "1"^^ . _:b399419807 "0"^^ . _:b399419754 "1"^^ . _:b407808193 "0"^^ . . _:b399419755 "2"^^ . _:b399419804 "1"^^ . _:b407808192 "0"^^ . _:b399419805 "0"^^ . _:b399419826 "favorite" . _:b407808195 "0"^^ . _:b399419802 "0"^^ . _:b399419753 "0"^^ . _:b399419774 "solo" . _:b407808194 "0"^^ . _:b399419770 "rock ballad" . "Flemming Rasmussen" . "Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance" . _:b407808197 "0"^^ . _:b399419800 "1"^^ . _:b399419824 "beautiful" . _:b407808196 "0"^^ . _:b399419801 "0"^^ . _:b399419767 "77"^^ . _:b407808199 "0"^^ . _:b399419798 "0"^^ . _:b399419841 "thrash" . _:b399419792 "progressive" . _:b407808198 "0"^^ . "Singles certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America" . _:b399419818 "favorites" . _:b399419803 "48"^^ . _:b399419799 "0"^^ . _:b407808201 "0"^^ . _:b399419796 "0"^^ . _:b399419838 "guitar hero 3" . _:b399419764 "songs i love" . _:b407808200 "0"^^ . . _:b399419797 "1"^^ . _:b399419794 "2"^^ . _:b407808203 "0"^^ . . _:b407808202 "0"^^ . . _:b399419775 "6"^^ . _:b399419795 "1"^^ . _:b399419774 "0"^^ . _:b407808205 "0"^^ . _:b399419792 "0"^^ . _:b407808204 "0"^^ . "One" . _:b399419793 "0"^^ . _:b399419772 "1"^^ . _:b407808207 "0"^^ . _:b399419773 "0"^^ . _:b407808206 "0"^^ . _:b399419770 "0"^^ . _:b399419807 "dark" . "1989-01-10"^^ . _:b399419771 "0"^^ . _:b399419777 "guitar" . _:b399419768 "0"^^ . _:b399419829 "heavy" . "Lars Ulrich" . _:b399419769 "0"^^ . "1988 songs" . _:b399419773 "melodic metal" . _:b399419815 "favorite songs" . _:b399419766 "1"^^ . _:b399419816 "fucking awesome" . "%22One%22 is an anti-war song by the American heavy metal band Metallica. It was released as the third and final single from their fourth studio album, ...And Justice for All (1988). %22One%22 was also the band's first Top 40 hit single, reaching number 35 on the Billboard Hot 100. The song hit number one in Finland.Metallica performed %22One%22 for the 1988 Grammy Awards show broadcast from Los Angeles. The next year the song won a Grammy Award in the first Best Metal Performance category. The song is one of the band's most popular pieces and has remained a live staple since the release of the album, making this the most played song from the album ...And Justice for All.A video for the song was introduced in January 1989 on MTV. It portrays a World War I soldier who is severely wounded\u2014blind and unable to move\u2014returned home as a supposed vegetable case to wait helplessly for death. His only hope is to devise a way to communicate with the hospital staff. Shot in black and white by director Michael Salomon, the video's story is intercut with scenes taken from the 1971 anti-war film Johnny Got His Gun. Due to routinely being required to pay royalty fees to continue showing the music video, Metallica bought the rights to the film. The video was ranked No. 1 on MTV soon after its introduction." . . "CD single" . "3"^^ . _:b399419764 "0"^^ . _:b399419785 "top 2000" . _:b399419765 "0"^^ . _:b399419762 "1"^^ . _:b399419827 "great song" . _:b399419760 "3"^^ . _:b399419763 "13"^^ . _:b399419797 "ballads" . _:b399419761 "0"^^ . "2"^^ . "1988-05" . _:b399268093 "aggressive" . "-11.0"^^ . _:b399419848 "90s" . _:b399419840 "yeaaahhhhh" . _:b399268094 "melancholic" . "1579452" . "eng" . _:b399419790 "speed metal" . _:b399419820 "heavy metal" .