_:b400059029 "14"^^ . _:b400059030 "0"^^ . _:b428272910 . _:b428272911 . _:b400059028 "14"^^ . _:b428272908 . _:b428272909 . _:b428272906 . "67916"^^ . _:b428272907 . _:b400059031 "14"^^ . _:b428272904 . _:b428272905 . _:b400059027 "28"^^ . _:b428272902 . _:b428272903 . _:b428272900 . _:b428272901 . _:b400059026 "28"^^ . _:b428272898 . _:b428272899 . _:b400059025 "14"^^ . _:b428272897 . _:b428272926 . _:b400059024 "14"^^ . _:b400059045 "classic" . _:b428272924 . "2007-10-16"^^ . _:b428272925 . _:b428272922 . _:b428272923 . "0.65697"^^ . _:b428272920 . _:b400059043 "favorite songs" . _:b428272921 . _:b428272918 . _:b428272919 . _:b428272916 . _:b428272917 . _:b400059048 "song" . _:b428272914 . _:b400059012 "85"^^ . _:b428272915 . _:b428272912 . _:b428272913 . "0"^^ . _:b400059024 "songs from movies" . . _:b400059050 "memory" . _:b400059035 "want" . . _:b428272913 "0"^^ . _:b428272912 "0"^^ . _:b428272915 "0"^^ . _:b400059025 "top quality" . "5714decd25ac0d8aee400a8f" . _:b428272914 "0"^^ . _:b400059032 "one of the best" . _:b428272917 "0"^^ . . _:b428272916 "0"^^ . _:b428272919 "0"^^ . _:b428272918 "0"^^ . "6769115a-b2d9-4995-a8cd-94e5a8ad9e14" . _:b399196301 . _:b428272921 "0"^^ . "Shirley Bassey songs" . _:b428272920 "0"^^ . _:b428272923 "0"^^ . _:b400059046 "as time goes by" . _:b400059010 "chill zone" . _:b428272922 "0"^^ . _:b400059028 "klein jazz favourites" . _:b428272925 "0"^^ . _:b428272924 "0"^^ . "Barbra Streisand songs" . _:b428272926 "0"^^ . . "Billie Holiday songs" . _:b428272897 "0"^^ . . _:b400059013 "recommended to epigee" . _:b400059022 "love song" . "Herman Hupfeld" . _:b428272899 "0"^^ . _:b400059064 "lovely" . "Jazz songs" . _:b428272898 "0"^^ . _:b400059017 "old radio and sad cabaret" . _:b400059063 "piano" . _:b428272901 "0"^^ . _:b400059011 "jazz" . . _:b428272900 "0"^^ . _:b400059012 "soundtrack" . _:b428272903 "0"^^ . . _:b428272902 "0"^^ . _:b400059067 "serenaders" . _:b428272905 "0"^^ . _:b400059066 "all the best" . _:b428272904 "0"^^ . "english" . _:b428272907 "0"^^ . _:b428272906 "0"^^ . "90874" . "Andy Williams songs" . _:b428272909 "0"^^ . _:b428272908 "0"^^ . "TRUATBW128F931D8DD" . _:b400059036 "evergreen" . . _:b428272911 "0"^^ . _:b428272910 "0"^^ . _:b400059052 "film music" . _:b400059030 "jazz dance ballroom" . _:b400059019 "smooth jazz" . "7601055" . _:b400059056 "its classic man" . "1931 songs" . _:b400059065 "casablanca" . "Willie Nelson songs" . _:b400059057 "about heartache" . "182000.0"^^ . _:b400059039 "afis 100 years 100 songs" . "Rod Stewart songs" . _:b400059018 "easy" . _:b400059062 "jazz piano" . _:b400059059 "coldplay" . "PT182.17902494S"^^ . _:b400059031 "life is easy" . "As Time Goes By" . . _:b400059060 "male vocalist" . _:b400059041 "klein oldies favourites" . _:b400059069 "old jazz" . "Songs from films" . "true"^^ . "true"^^ . "Jazz compositions in D major" . . _:b400059016 "timespace" . "Songs written by Herman Hupfeld" . _:b399196301 "romantic" . _:b400059068 "oldies" . _:b428272897 . _:b400059034 "movie soundtrack" . "Bryan Ferry songs" . _:b400059027 "40s" . _:b400059052 "14"^^ . _:b428272926 . _:b400059055 "14"^^ . _:b400059061 "as good as it gets" . _:b400059054 "14"^^ . _:b400059068 "71"^^ . _:b400059053 "0"^^ . _:b428272920 . _:b400059049 "14"^^ . "USA560717235" . _:b428272900 . _:b428272925 . _:b428272903 . "Johnny Mathis songs" . _:b428272902 . _:b400059051 "14"^^ . _:b400059048 "0"^^ . _:b400059046 "57"^^ . _:b428272912 . _:b428272918 . _:b400059050 "14"^^ . _:b428272906 . _:b428272908 . _:b400059044 "14"^^ . _:b428272905 . _:b400059047 "0"^^ . . . . . _:b400059040 "colonna sonora" . . _:b400059041 "14"^^ . _:b428272913 . _:b400059042 "0"^^ . _:b400059045 "28"^^ . _:b400059029 "musica filmes" . _:b400059037 "old time songs" . _:b400059040 "14"^^ . . _:b400059044 "weallgetold" . _:b400059043 "14"^^ . . . _:b400059065 "100"^^ . _:b428272923 . _:b400059026 "romantic" . _:b428272910 . _:b428272919 . . _:b400059033 "dooley wilson" . . _:b400059069 "14"^^ . _:b400059047 "peranuncitanavazo" . _:b428272916 . _:b400059021 "1942" . _:b428272904 . . _:b428272909 . _:b428272911 . . "0"^^ . "Harry Nilsson songs" . . _:b428272917 . . "-0.125725"^^ . _:b428272907 . _:b400059042 "movie songs" . _:b428272914 . . . _:b400059064 "14"^^ . _:b428272915 . . . _:b428272901 . . _:b428272924 . _:b400059067 "14"^^ . . _:b400059066 "14"^^ . . . . _:b400059061 "14"^^ . _:b400059062 "0"^^ . . . . "Al Hirt songs" . . _:b428272922 . _:b428272898 . _:b400059063 "14"^^ . . _:b400059060 "0"^^ . _:b400059054 "klein romantic favourites" . _:b400059057 "14"^^ . "0.151854"^^ . _:b400059056 "14"^^ . _:b428272921 . _:b428272899 . _:b400059059 "14"^^ . _:b400059036 . _:b400059037 . _:b400059038 . _:b400059039 . _:b400059058 "14"^^ . _:b400059032 . _:b400059033 . _:b400059023 "hits" . _:b400059034 . _:b400059035 . _:b400059014 "best songs of 1900 to 1950" . _:b400059028 . _:b400059021 "14"^^ . . _:b400059029 . _:b399196301 "28"^^ . _:b400059015 "klein movie songs favourites" . _:b400059030 . _:b400059031 . _:b400059024 . _:b400059020 "crooner" . _:b400059025 . _:b400059023 "0"^^ . _:b400059026 . _:b400059049 "ion b radio" . _:b400059027 . _:b400059053 "track" . _:b400059020 . _:b400059021 . _:b400059022 . _:b400059020 "0"^^ . _:b400059019 "28"^^ . _:b400059023 . _:b400059016 . _:b400059022 "14"^^ . _:b400059017 . _:b400059018 . _:b400059019 . _:b400059012 . _:b400059013 . _:b400059014 . _:b400059015 . _:b400059055 "male vocals" . _:b400059016 "14"^^ . _:b400059010 . _:b400059011 . _:b400059068 . _:b400059069 . "Perry Como songs" . _:b400059064 . _:b400059018 "14"^^ . "false"^^ . _:b400059065 . _:b400059066 . _:b400059017 "0"^^ . _:b400059067 . _:b400059060 . _:b400059013 "14"^^ . _:b400059061 . _:b400059062 . _:b400059058 "recommended by rwitte" . _:b400059063 . _:b400059056 . _:b400059057 . _:b400059058 . _:b400059059 . _:b400059052 . _:b400059015 "14"^^ . _:b400059053 . _:b400059054 . _:b400059055 . _:b400059048 . _:b400059014 "14"^^ . _:b400059049 . _:b400059050 . "Casablanca (film)" . _:b400059051 . _:b400059044 . _:b400059045 . _:b400059046 . "As Time Goes By" . _:b400059047 . "Johnnie Ray songs" . _:b400059040 . _:b400059041 . _:b400059042 . _:b400059043 . _:b400059011 "14"^^ . _:b400059010 "14"^^ . _:b400059037 "14"^^ . _:b400059051 "hit 1943" . "%22As Time Goes By%22 is a song written by Herman Hupfeld in 1931. It became most famous in 1942 when part of it was sung by the character Sam (Dooley Wilson) in the movie Casablanca. The song was voted No. 2 on the AFI's 100 Years...100 Songs special, commemorating the best songs in film. It has been used as a fanfare for Warner Bros. Pictures since 1999 and was the title and theme song of the 1990s British comedy series As Time Goes By. The original song referred to Albert Einstein's concept of time as a fourth dimension, but this connection was lost by the omission of the first verse in most performances, as detailed below." . _:b400059036 "14"^^ . _:b400059039 "0"^^ . "Frank Sinatra songs" . . _:b400059034 "0"^^ . _:b400059032 "14"^^ . _:b400059035 "0"^^ . _:b400059038 "blues" . _:b400059038 "28"^^ . _:b400059033 "0"^^ .