_:b399904248 "mellow" . _:b399904221 "blues" . . _:b399904231 "poetry" . _:b399904206 "gute oldies" . _:b399904273 "inner places" . "Shel Talmy" . _:b399904298 "sing this to me" . _:b399904267 "rock" . "Gramophone record" . "Columbia Records" . "Van Morrison songs" . _:b399904235 "beautiful" . _:b399904262 "male vocalists" . _:b399187025 "happy" . _:b399904210 "great 60s" . _:b399904291 "60s" . _:b399904205 "folk rock" . _:b399904265 "criterio" . _:b424311345 "0"^^ . _:b399904215 "ballad" . _:b424311344 "0"^^ . "290000.0"^^ . _:b424311347 "0"^^ . _:b399904299 "male vocalist" . _:b399904213 "singer songwriter" . _:b424311346 "0"^^ . _:b424311349 "0"^^ . _:b424311348 "0"^^ . "Bob Dylan songs" . _:b424311351 "0"^^ . _:b399904259 "radical attitudes visavis love" . _:b424311350 "0"^^ . _:b399904252 "awesome" . _:b399904272 "breakup" . _:b424311353 "0"^^ . _:b399904270 "the word just" . _:b399904227 "american" . _:b399904233 "mais putain quest-ce quelle est chiante" . _:b399904204 "happy" . _:b424311352 "0"^^ . "Fontana Records" . "Nina Simone songs" . _:b399904237 "favorite songs" . _:b399904257 "the big three" . _:b399904230 "sentimental favorites from the 1960s" . . _:b399187026 "mellow" . "0d24a997-5cf8-4629-8900-db1feda33ece" . _:b424311329 "0"^^ . _:b424311328 "0"^^ . _:b399904228 "favorites" . _:b424311331 "0"^^ . "1966" . _:b399904277 "loved at first listen" . _:b399904207 "songs about edie sedgwick" . _:b424311330 "0"^^ . _:b399904212 "blues question" . _:b424311333 "0"^^ . _:b399904266 "oh that pit" . . _:b424311332 "0"^^ . _:b399904284 "bob dylan-just like a woman" . _:b424311335 "0"^^ . "true"^^ . _:b399904229 "classic" . _:b424311334 "0"^^ . _:b399904280 "canyero" . "true"^^ . _:b424311337 "0"^^ . _:b424311336 "0"^^ . "USSM19921965" . _:b424311339 "0"^^ . . _:b424311338 "0"^^ . _:b399904251 "folkrock" . _:b424311341 "0"^^ . _:b399904238 "1"^^ . _:b424311340 "0"^^ . _:b399904239 "1"^^ . _:b424311343 "0"^^ . _:b399904236 "1"^^ . "Songs written by Bob Dylan" . _:b424311342 "0"^^ . _:b399904237 "1"^^ . _:b399904249 "just another folk singer" . _:b399904246 "mother" . _:b399904235 "5"^^ . . _:b399904234 "7"^^ . _:b399904220 "love" . "2007-10-02"^^ . "--03-08" . _:b399904232 "4"^^ . _:b399904233 "0"^^ . "%22Just Like a Woman%22 is a song written by Bob Dylan and first released on his 1966 album, Blonde on Blonde (see 1966 in music). It was also released as a single in the U.S. during August 1966 and peaked at #33 on the Billboard Hot 100. Dylan's recording of %22Just Like a Woman%22 was not issued as a single in the United Kingdom but the British beat group, Manfred Mann, did release a hit single version of the song in July 1966, which peaked at #10 on the UK Singles Chart. In 2011, Rolling Stone magazine ranked Dylan's version of the song at #232 in their list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time." . . _:b399904230 "1"^^ . _:b399904231 "1"^^ . _:b399904228 "5"^^ . _:b399904229 "1"^^ . "Fontana Records singles" . _:b399904227 "4"^^ . _:b399904203 "1960s" . _:b399904226 "11"^^ . _:b399904224 "0"^^ . _:b399904264 "statesmen" . . _:b399904225 "0"^^ . _:b399904254 "0"^^ . _:b399904240 "old but gold" . "Just Like A Woman" . _:b424311332 . _:b399904282 "radio radio" . _:b399904255 "1"^^ . _:b424311334 . _:b399904283 "loud screamer" . _:b424311339 . _:b399904252 "1"^^ . _:b424311335 . _:b399904253 "0"^^ . _:b399904250 "2"^^ . _:b399904287 "classic rock" . _:b399904293 "singer-songwriter" . _:b424311353 . _:b399904248 "2"^^ . _:b399904211 "chillout" . _:b424311331 . _:b424311328 . _:b399904251 "10"^^ . _:b424311330 . _:b399904249 "0"^^ . _:b399904246 "1"^^ . _:b399904247 "0"^^ . _:b399904245 "perfect" . _:b399904241 "22"^^ . _:b399187028 . _:b399904200 . . _:b399904244 "0"^^ . _:b399904201 . _:b399904202 . _:b399904203 . _:b399187025 . _:b424311350 . _:b399904204 . _:b399187026 . _:b399904205 . _:b399904245 "1"^^ . _:b424311342 . _:b399904294 "just like a woman" . _:b399904206 . _:b399187027 . _:b399904207 . _:b424311337 . _:b424311338 . _:b399904243 "4"^^ . _:b399904242 "0"^^ . "516539"^^ . _:b424311346 . _:b399904254 "wake up and smell the coffee music" . _:b399904216 . _:b399904217 . _:b399904240 "1"^^ . _:b399904218 . _:b399187028 "4"^^ . _:b399904219 . _:b399187026 "2"^^ . _:b399904220 . _:b399904221 . _:b399904222 . _:b399904223 . _:b399904238 "favourite artists" . _:b424311343 . _:b399904208 . _:b399904206 "0"^^ . _:b399904209 . _:b399904210 . _:b399187027 "1"^^ . _:b399904211 . _:b399904212 . _:b399904207 "0"^^ . _:b399904208 "rolling stone 500 greatest songs of all time" . _:b399904213 . _:b399904214 . _:b399904215 . _:b399904285 "it is" . _:b399904232 . _:b399904298 "0"^^ . _:b399904233 . _:b399904204 "1"^^ . _:b424311344 . _:b399904299 "2"^^ . _:b399904234 . _:b399187025 "1"^^ . _:b424311340 . _:b399904235 . _:b399904236 . _:b399904237 . _:b424311348 . _:b399904293 "57"^^ . _:b399904238 . _:b399904291 "46"^^ . _:b399904239 . _:b399904224 . _:b399904296 "0"^^ . _:b399904202 "0"^^ . _:b399904225 . _:b399904226 . _:b424311345 . _:b399904297 "2"^^ . _:b399904227 . _:b399904228 . _:b424311351 . _:b399904229 . _:b399904203 "1"^^ . _:b424311347 . _:b424311341 . _:b399904230 . _:b399904231 . _:b424311349 . _:b424311336 . _:b399904248 . _:b399904249 . "-0.407931"^^ . _:b399904250 . _:b399904200 "1"^^ . _:b399904251 . _:b399904252 . _:b399904295 "0"^^ . _:b399904294 "4"^^ . _:b399904253 . _:b399904201 "1"^^ . _:b399904254 . "5714dec725ac0d8aee3bae8c" . _:b399904255 . _:b399904240 . _:b399904241 . _:b399904242 . _:b399904243 . _:b399904244 . _:b399904245 . _:b399904246 . _:b399904247 . _:b424311352 . _:b399904290 "6"^^ . _:b424311329 . _:b424311333 . "114.0"^^ . _:b399904288 "0"^^ . _:b399904289 "1"^^ . "Jeff Buckley songs" . _:b399904205 "48"^^ . _:b399904222 "0"^^ . _:b399904218 "columbia" . _:b399904201 "guitar" . _:b399904281 "classics" . _:b399904292 "100"^^ . _:b424311326 . _:b399904223 "1"^^ . _:b399904220 "2"^^ . _:b399904271 "legend" . _:b399187027 "heartbreak" . _:b424311324 . _:b399904289 "golden oldies" . _:b399904236 "heartbreak" . _:b399904221 "5"^^ . "536828" . _:b424311322 . _:b399904226 "dylan" . "officially released stereo studio recording" . _:b399904216 "10"^^ . _:b399904275 "oldies" . _:b399904218 "1"^^ . _:b399904253 "bluesetc" . _:b424311323 . _:b424311325 . _:b399187028 "sad" . _:b399904260 "usa" . _:b399904223 "favourites" . _:b399904219 "8"^^ . _:b399904214 "bob" . _:b399904217 "1"^^ . _:b399904215 "4"^^ . _:b399904214 "1"^^ . _:b399904219 "1966" . _:b399904212 "0"^^ . "1966-07-29"^^ . _:b399904213 "1"^^ . _:b399904297 "running" . _:b399904210 "0"^^ . "Columbia Records singles" . _:b399904211 "1"^^ . _:b399904208 "2"^^ . _:b399904290 "folk-rock" . _:b399904270 "0"^^ . _:b399904271 "1"^^ . _:b399904209 "1"^^ . _:b399904267 "31"^^ . _:b399904268 "0"^^ . "Bob Johnston" . _:b399904279 "top 2000" . . _:b399904216 "acoustic" . _:b399904269 "1"^^ . . _:b399904266 "0"^^ . _:b399904200 "marijuana music" . "-13.1"^^ . _:b399904263 "country" . _:b399904264 "0"^^ . "Just Like A Woman" . _:b399904243 "george ellias" . "english" . _:b399904265 "0"^^ . _:b399904262 "3"^^ . _:b399904288 "sing the body electric" . _:b399904232 "sad" . _:b399904256 "bluesfolketc" . "Song recordings produced by Bob Johnston" . _:b399904247 "alinda the lost girl in long stockings: the official soundtrack" . "7"^^ . _:b399904263 "1"^^ . _:b399904260 "2"^^ . _:b399904261 "0"^^ . _:b399904276 "ratagorda" . . _:b399904258 "1"^^ . _:b399904292 "folk" . _:b399904296 "at ease" . _:b399904250 "ellias" . _:b399904241 "bob dylan" . _:b399904259 "0"^^ . _:b399904256 "0"^^ . _:b424311321 . "-0.302309"^^ . _:b399904257 "0"^^ . _:b424311352 . _:b424311353 . _:b424311346 . _:b399904286 "pop" . "808" . _:b424311347 . _:b399904286 "4"^^ . _:b399904269 "rolling stones top 500 songs of all time" . _:b399904239 "i used to suck blood with gothic dogs but now i wear bermuda shorts and screw tiky chicks" . _:b424311344 . _:b424311345 . _:b424311350 . "TRRQHIX128F92E17B1" . _:b424311351 . _:b424311348 . _:b399904284 "1"^^ . _:b424311349 . _:b424311338 . _:b424311327 . _:b424311339 . _:b399904285 "0"^^ . _:b424311336 . _:b424311337 . _:b424311342 . _:b399904274 "bobby z" . _:b424311343 . _:b399904282 "0"^^ . _:b424311340 . _:b424311341 . _:b424311330 . _:b424311331 . _:b399904283 "0"^^ . _:b424311328 . "false"^^ . _:b424311329 . _:b424311334 . _:b424311335 . _:b399904280 "0"^^ . _:b424311332 . "[%22yes she does and she aches just like a woman%22,%22but she breaks just like a little girl%22,%22ah you fake just like a woman%22,%22yes you do then you ache just like a woman%22]" . "Bob Dylan" . . _:b424311333 . _:b424311322 . _:b399904268 "erba voglio" . _:b424311323 . _:b399904281 "1"^^ . _:b424311321 . _:b399904225 "reminds me of maggie" . _:b424311326 . _:b399904261 "rock and roll mia favoritos" . _:b399904234 "harmonica" . _:b424311327 . _:b424311324 . _:b399904278 "1"^^ . _:b399904242 "awiofjioaevnuio" . _:b424311325 . _:b399904258 "favorite" . _:b399904202 "the world is great" . _:b399904264 . _:b399904279 "1"^^ . _:b399904265 . _:b399904266 . _:b399904267 . _:b399904276 "0"^^ . _:b399904268 . _:b399904269 . _:b399904255 "pretty" . _:b399904270 . _:b399904271 . _:b399904277 "0"^^ . _:b399904256 . _:b399904257 . _:b399904287 "54"^^ . _:b399904275 "6"^^ . _:b399904258 . _:b399904259 . _:b399904274 "0"^^ . "eng" . _:b399904260 . _:b399904261 . _:b399904262 . _:b399904263 . _:b399904280 . _:b399904281 . "2"^^ . . _:b399904282 . _:b399904283 . _:b399904284 . _:b399904272 "1"^^ . _:b399904285 . _:b399904222 "my old favorites" . _:b399904286 . _:b399904287 . _:b399904273 "0"^^ . _:b399904272 . _:b399904273 . _:b399904274 . _:b399904244 "mystie chamberlin" . _:b399904275 . _:b399904276 . . _:b399904277 . _:b399904278 . _:b399904279 . _:b424311321 "0"^^ . _:b399904296 . _:b399904297 . _:b399904298 . _:b399904299 . "1966 songs" . _:b424311323 "0"^^ . _:b399904288 . _:b399904289 . _:b399904290 . _:b399904291 . _:b424311322 "0"^^ . _:b399904292 . _:b399904293 . _:b399904294 . _:b399904295 . _:b424311325 "0"^^ . _:b399904217 "melodic" . "1966 singles" . _:b399904295 "radiotsar approved" . _:b424311324 "0"^^ . _:b399904278 "love song" . _:b399904224 "f-ing classic" . _:b424311327 "0"^^ . _:b424311326 "0"^^ . _:b399904209 "lyrics" .