_:b670544236 . _:b670946635 . _:b672289487 . _:b672812222 . _:b665467236 . _:b668321970 _:b668321971 . _:b665467020 . _:b665467020 _:b665467021 . _:b668234941 . . _:b665467021 . _:b670544450 . _:b672289194 . _:b672812525 . _:b670544451 . _:b668321593 _:b668321594 . _:b672289195 . _:b672812526 . _:b665161756 . _:b670544235 . _:b668234941 . _:b668234725 _:b668234726 . . _:b668234940 . _:b673310218 . _:b665467235 . "The male parent of a child. Besides the paternal bonds of a father to his children, the father may have a parental legal and social relationship with the child that carries with it certain rights and obligations. An adoptive father is a male who has become the child's parent through the legal process of adoption. A biological father is the male genetic contributor to the creation of the baby, through sexual intercourse or sperm donation. A biological father may have legal obligations to a child not raised by him, such as an obligation of monetary support. A putative father is a man whose biological relationship to a child is alleged but has not been established. A stepfather is a male who is the husband of a child's mother and they may form a family unit, but who generally does not have the legal rights and responsibilities of a parent in relation to the child." . _:b665467235 . _:b673310217 . _:b670946634 . _:b665467236 . _:b668321593 . _:b670946635 . _:b668307120 _:b668307121 . _:b668234940 . _:b672289488 . _:b668307121 . _:b665467021 . _:b670544236 . _:b668234940 . _:b668234725 . _:b665467020 . _:b668234941 . _:b670544235 . _:b670544236 . _:b672289488 . _:b672289194 . . _:b668307120 . _:b665161755 . _:b672812525 . _:b665161755 . _:b665467020 . _:b668307335 . _:b665467235 . _:b668234941 . _:b665161756 . _:b668307336 . _:b665467020 . _:b670946634 . _:b672812525 . _:b665161540 . _:b668321379 . _:b670946635 . _:b665161541 . _:b672812526 . _:b672812222 . _:b668321593 . _:b673310003 . _:b668321594 . _:b668307335 _:b668307336 . _:b672812526 . _:b670946850 . _:b670544450 . _:b665467021 . _:b668234725 . _:b668321594 . _:b665467236 . _:b670946849 _:b670946850 . _:b668234726 . _:b668321379 . _:b672289194 . _:b672289194 . _:b665161756 . _:b670544450 _:b670544451 . _:b672289195 . _:b668321378 . _:b668322185 . _:b673310002 . _:b670946634 _:b670946635 . _:b673310002 . _:b672812525 _:b672812526 . _:b673310217 . _:b673310218 . _:b668322185 _:b668322186 . _:b668307120 . _:b672289488 . _:b670946850 . _:b668307121 . _:b668322185 . _:b668307335 . _:b670544235 . _:b668307336 . _:b672289195 . _:b668322186 . _:b670946849 . _:b668321971 . _:b668234940 _:b668234941 . _:b673310002 . _:b668321971 . _:b673310003 . _:b668321970 . . _:b668321971 . _:b668322186 . _:b665467235 _:b665467236 . _:b668234726 . _:b668322186 . _:b668307336 . _:b665161541 . _:b665467235 . _:b668234725 . _:b670544451 . _:b668321970 . _:b672289487 _:b672289488 . _:b673310003 . _:b665161540 . _:b665161540 _:b665161541 . _:b668321378 . _:b665161540 . _:b668234726 . _:b670544235 . _:b668321379 . _:b668307120 . _:b668321970 . _:b670544236 . _:b672289487 . _:b668307121 . _:b668321971 . _:b673310217 _:b673310218 . _:b668307121 . _:b668322185 . _:b672812525 . _:b668321378 . _:b668322186 . _:b672289487 . _:b668307336 . _:b668234726 . _:b668321379 . _:b673310217 . _:b670946634 . _:b672289488 . _:b668321970 . _:b668321593 . _:b665161755 . _:b670946849 . _:b668321593 . _:b668321378 _:b668321379 . _:b670946849 . _:b668321594 . _:b672812221 . _:b672812221 . _:b668321594 . _:b665467236 . _:b670946850 . _:b672812222 . _:b672812222 . _:b670544450 . _:b670544451 . _:b668307335 . _:b670544451 . _:b668307120 . "chear-kb:PER-Jeanette-Stingone" . _:b665161541 . _:b665161541 . _:b670544235 _:b670544236 . _:b670946849 . _:b672289487 . _:b665161540 . _:b672289194 _:b672289195 . _:b665161756 . _:b670946635 . _:b672289195 . _:b670946850 . _:b673310002 . _:b665161541 . _:b668322185 . _:b668234940 . _:b673310003 . _:b665161755 . _:b668234725 . _:b668234941 . _:b665161756 . _:b665161755 _:b665161756 . _:b672812221 . _:b670946634 . _:b673310218 . _:b670544450 . _:b665467020 . _:b665161755 . _:b665467021 . _:b673310217 . _:b665467021 . _:b668234940 . _:b665467235 . _:b673310218 . _:b672812221 . _:b668321378 . "Father" . _:b665467236 . _:b668307335 . _:b668234726 . _:b673310002 _:b673310003 . _:b672812221 _:b672812222 . _:b668234725 . _:b665161540 . _:b672812526 .