. . "R-SMADs are receptor-regulated SMADs. SMADs are transcription factors that transduce extracellular TGF-\u03B2 superfamily ligand signaling from cell membrane bound TGF-\u03B2 receptors into the nucleus where they activate transcription TGF-\u03B2 target genes. R-SMADS are directly phosphorylated on their c-terminus by type 1 TGF-\u03B2 receptors through their intracellular kinase domain, leading to r-SMAD activation. R-SMADS include SMAD2 and SMAD3 from the TGF-\u03B2/Activin/Nodal branch, and SMAD1, SMAD5 and SMAD8 from the BMP/GDP branch of TGF-\u03B2 signaling. In response to signals by the TGF-\u03B2 superfamily of ligands these proteins associate with receptor kinases and are phosphorylated at an SSXS motif at their extreme C-terminus. These proteins then typically bind to the common mediator Smad or co-SMAD SMAD4. Smad complexes then accumulate in the cell nucleus where they regulate transcription of specific target genes: \n* SMAD2 and SMAD3 are activated in response to TGF-\u03B2/Activin or Nodal signals. \n* SMAD1, SMAD5 and SMAD8 (also known as SMAD9) are activated in response to BMPs bone morphogenetic protein or GDP signals. SMAD6 and SMAD7 may be referred to as I-SMADs (inhibitory SMADS), which form trimers with R-SMADS and block their ability to induce gene transcription by competing with R-SMADs for receptor binding and by marking TGF-\u03B2 receptors for degradation."@en . . . . "R-SMADs es un tipo de prote\u00EDna SMAD regulado por receptores. Las SMAD son factores de transcripci\u00F3n que transducen se\u00F1ales de la superfamilia de ligandos extracelulares TGF-\u03B2 que inician en los receptores de TGF-beta a nivel de la membrana celular hasta el n\u00FAcleo donde activan genes diana que transcriben TGF-\u03B2. La activaci\u00F3n de los R-SMAD ocurre por fosforilaci\u00F3n directa de su extremo c-terminal por el dominio cinasa intracelular del receptor de TGF-beta 1.\u200B Entre las R-SMAD se incluyen al SMAD2 y SMAD3 de la v\u00EDa TGF-\u03B2/Activin/Nodal, y los SMAD1, SMAD5 y SMAD8 de la v\u00EDa de se\u00F1alizaci\u00F3n de la prote\u00EDna morfog\u00E9nica \u00F3sea (BMP).\u200B"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2876"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1090182817"^^ . "R-SMAD"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "R-SMAD"@en . . "R-SMADs are receptor-regulated SMADs. SMADs are transcription factors that transduce extracellular TGF-\u03B2 superfamily ligand signaling from cell membrane bound TGF-\u03B2 receptors into the nucleus where they activate transcription TGF-\u03B2 target genes. R-SMADS are directly phosphorylated on their c-terminus by type 1 TGF-\u03B2 receptors through their intracellular kinase domain, leading to r-SMAD activation. R-SMADS include SMAD2 and SMAD3 from the TGF-\u03B2/Activin/Nodal branch, and SMAD1, SMAD5 and SMAD8 from the BMP/GDP branch of TGF-\u03B2 signaling."@en . . . "R-SMADs es un tipo de prote\u00EDna SMAD regulado por receptores. Las SMAD son factores de transcripci\u00F3n que transducen se\u00F1ales de la superfamilia de ligandos extracelulares TGF-\u03B2 que inician en los receptores de TGF-beta a nivel de la membrana celular hasta el n\u00FAcleo donde activan genes diana que transcriben TGF-\u03B2. La activaci\u00F3n de los R-SMAD ocurre por fosforilaci\u00F3n directa de su extremo c-terminal por el dominio cinasa intracelular del receptor de TGF-beta 1.\u200B Entre las R-SMAD se incluyen al SMAD2 y SMAD3 de la v\u00EDa TGF-\u03B2/Activin/Nodal, y los SMAD1, SMAD5 y SMAD8 de la v\u00EDa de se\u00F1alizaci\u00F3n de la prote\u00EDna morfog\u00E9nica \u00F3sea (BMP).\u200B"@es . "5689153"^^ . . . . . . . . . .