. "Archaeorhizomyces"@uk . "\u53E4\u6839\u83CC\u7DB1\uFF08\u5B78\u540D\uFF1AArchaeorhizomycetes\uFF09\u662F\u5B50\u56CA\u83CC\u9580\u5916\u56CA\u83CC\u4E9E\u9580\u4E0B\u7684\u4E00\u500B\u7DB1\uFF0C\u767C\u8868\u65BC2011\u5E74\uFF0C\u5176\u4E0B\u53EA\u6709\u4E00\u500B\u55AE\u578B\u76EE\u53E4\u6839\u83CC\u76EE\uFF08Archaeorhizomycetales\uFF09\u3001\u4E00\u500B\u55AE\u578B\u79D1\u53E4\u6839\u83CC\u79D1\uFF08Archaeorhizomycetaceae\uFF09\u8207\u4E00\u500B\u55AE\u578B\u5C6C\u53E4\u6839\u83CC\u5C6C\uFF08Archaeorhizomyces\uFF09\uFF0C\u76EE\u524D\u53EA\u6709\u5169\u7A2E\u7269\u7A2E\u88AB\u767C\u8868\u3002\u53E4\u6839\u83CC\u7DB1\u4E0B\u7684\u7269\u7A2E\u5EE3\u6CDB\u5206\u4F48\u65BC\u5168\u7403\uFF0C\u9664\u5357\u6975\u6D32\u5916\u5728\u5404\u5927\u6D32\u7686\u6709\u5206\u5E03\uFF0C\u751F\u9577\u65BC\u571F\u58E4\u4E2D\u690D\u7269\u6839\u90E8\u7684\u9644\u8FD1\u3002"@zh . . . "Archaeorhizomyces \u00E9 um g\u00EAnero de fungo descrito em 2011 que pertence a uma fam\u00EDlia, ordem e classe monot\u00EDpicas, respectivamente Archaeorhizomycetaceae, Archaeorhizomycetales e Archaeorhizomycetes. Uma \u00FAnica esp\u00E9cie foi descrita para este g\u00EAnero, Archaeorhizomyces finlayi, entretanto, muitas outras esp\u00E9cies s\u00E3o conhecidas."@pt . . . . . . . . . . "32767883"^^ . . . . . "Rosling and T.James"@en . "Archaeorhizomyces"@en . . . . . "Los arqueorizomicetos son una clase de hongos clasificados filogen\u00E9ticamente dentro la subdivisi\u00F3n Taphrinomycotina perteneciente a la divisi\u00F3n Ascomycota del reino Fungi."@es . . . . . . . "Archaeorhizomycetes Rosling and T. James \u00E8 una classe del phylum Ascomycota comprendente funghi terricoli noti soltanto attraverso il sequenziamento molecolare. Al momento comprende un solo ordine, Archaeorhizomycetales Rosling and T. James, con una sola famiglia Archaeorhizomycetaceae Rosling and T. James il solo genere Archaeorhizomyces Rosling and T. James. Specie descritte: 2, identificate esclusivamente su base molecolare. Identificati in tutti i continenti e in una grande variet\u00E0 di ecosistemi terrestri, questi funghi sono stati segnalati prevalentemente per terreni ricchi di radici, dove rappresentano una delle componenti biotiche pi\u00F9 importanti, oltre che su legno marcescente ed altre fonti di carbonio complesse . Il ruolo ecologico dei funghi appartenenti a questa classe, sicuramente implicati nel ciclo del carbonio, non \u00E8 noto: analisi sperimentali suggeriscono che l'interazione con le piante non sia ne di tipo mutualistico ne di tipo patogeno."@it . . . "Rosling and T.James"@en . "Archaeorhizomycetes"@es . . . . "Rosling and T.James"@en . "Archaeorhizomyces"@ca . "\uACE0\uC0DD\uC790\uB0AD\uADE0\uC18D(Archaeorhizomyces)\uC740 \uC678\uC790\uB0AD\uADE0\uC544\uBB38\uC5D0 \uC18D\uD558\uB294 \uC790\uB0AD\uADE0\uB958 \uC18D\uC758 \uD558\uB098\uC774\uB2E4. \uACE0\uC0DD\uC790\uB0AD\uADE0\uAC15 (Archaeorhizomycetes), \uACE0\uC0DD\uC790\uB0AD\uADE0\uBAA9(Archaeorhizomycetales), \uACE0\uC0DD\uC790\uB0AD\uADE0\uACFC(Archaeorhizomycetaceae)\uC758 \uC720\uC77C\uC18D\uC774\uB2E4. \uC774 \uADE0\uB958 \uAC15\uC740 \uC548\uB098 \uC870\uC2AC\uB9C1(Anna Rosling)\uC774 2011\uB144\uC5D0 \uCC98\uC74C \uAE30\uC220\uD588\uB2E4. \uC804 \uC138\uACC4\uC5D0 \uBD84\uD3EC\uD558\uBA70, \uD1A0\uC591\uACFC \uBFCC\uB9AC \uC8FC\uBCC0\uC5D0\uC11C \uBC1C\uACAC\uB41C\uB2E4."@ko . "Los arqueorizomicetos son una clase de hongos clasificados filogen\u00E9ticamente dentro la subdivisi\u00F3n Taphrinomycotina perteneciente a la divisi\u00F3n Ascomycota del reino Fungi."@es . "Archaeorhizomycetes Rosling & T.Y. James \u2013 klasa grzyb\u00F3w z gromady workowc\u00F3w (Ascomycota)."@pl . "\uACE0\uC0DD\uC790\uB0AD\uADE0\uC18D"@ko . "Archaeorhizomyces"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Rosling and T.James"@en . "4"^^ . . . . "Els Archaeorhizomyces, membres del Soil Clone Group 1, constitueixen una classe de fongs filamentosos de vida subterr\u00E0nia descoberta l'any 2011. El seu nom deriva del grec i significa antics fongs de les arrels. Es considera que t\u00E9 centenars d'esp\u00E8cies, que s\u00F3n molt comunes i que la seva distribuci\u00F3 \u00E9s cosmopolita. S'han trobat, actualment, aquests fongs en diferents ecosistemes com les pinedes de Su\u00E8cia, herbassars de Calif\u00F2rnia i boscos tropicals plujosos de Costa Rica i Austr\u00E0lia."@ca . . . . . "\uACE0\uC0DD\uC790\uB0AD\uADE0\uC18D(Archaeorhizomyces)\uC740 \uC678\uC790\uB0AD\uADE0\uC544\uBB38\uC5D0 \uC18D\uD558\uB294 \uC790\uB0AD\uADE0\uB958 \uC18D\uC758 \uD558\uB098\uC774\uB2E4. \uACE0\uC0DD\uC790\uB0AD\uADE0\uAC15 (Archaeorhizomycetes), \uACE0\uC0DD\uC790\uB0AD\uADE0\uBAA9(Archaeorhizomycetales), \uACE0\uC0DD\uC790\uB0AD\uADE0\uACFC(Archaeorhizomycetaceae)\uC758 \uC720\uC77C\uC18D\uC774\uB2E4. \uC774 \uADE0\uB958 \uAC15\uC740 \uC548\uB098 \uC870\uC2AC\uB9C1(Anna Rosling)\uC774 2011\uB144\uC5D0 \uCC98\uC74C \uAE30\uC220\uD588\uB2E4. \uC804 \uC138\uACC4\uC5D0 \uBD84\uD3EC\uD558\uBA70, \uD1A0\uC591\uACFC \uBFCC\uB9AC \uC8FC\uBCC0\uC5D0\uC11C \uBC1C\uACAC\uB41C\uB2E4."@ko . . . . . "Archaeorhizomyces \u2014 \u0440\u0456\u0434 \u0433\u0440\u0438\u0431\u0456\u0432 \u0440\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0438 . \u041D\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0430 \u0432\u043F\u0435\u0440\u0448\u0435 \u043E\u043F\u0443\u0431\u043B\u0456\u043A\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043D\u0430 2011 \u0440\u043E\u043A\u0443."@uk . . . . . "Archaeorhizomycetes"@it . "Archaeorhizomyces finlayi"@en . . . . "1057118603"^^ . . . "Archaeorhizomycetes is a class of fungi in the subdivision Taphrinomycotina of the Ascomycota. So far, the class has only one described order, Archaeorhizomycetales, family, Archaeorhizomycetaceae, and genus, Archaeorhizomyces. The class was first described by a team led by Anna Rosling in 2011. Species in the class are globally distributed, and grow in soil and around roots. Specific known host trees of various Archaeorhizomyces species include hemlock, spruce, pine and heather, but other species colonise hardwoods generally. The precise ecological role of the taxa is uncertain. While originally found to be seasonal, suggesting it was dependent on carbon compounds from the roots, when grown in culture, Archaeorhizomyces finlayi, was shown to be able to grow using either glucose or cellulose as its sole source of carbon, suggesting \"that it may be involved in decomposition and not require direct carbon transfer from the plant through symbiosis\". While the ecological role is not yet clear, preliminary tests suggest that the fungus is neither a pathogen nor an ectomycorrhizal symbiont. Prior to the description by Rosling and colleagues, Archaeorhizomycetes was referred to as Soil Clone Group 1 or SCGI after it was originally discovered tundra soils and reported in 2003 by Schadt et al. The taxa were only known from ribosomal DNA sequencing but it had been found independently in ecological studies of soil in more than fifty cases worldwide using three different gene regions. However, neither fruit bodies nor spores had been observed. The name Archaeorhizomyces comes from the Greek arkhaio-, meaning ancient, which is in reference to the basality of the fungus, rhiza, in reference to roots, and mykes, in reference to fungi. Archaeorhizomyces finlayi, (named in honour of ) was the first species described. It is known from Scandinavia and North America. A second species was described in 2014 together with an estimate that the class may consist of close to 500 species based on sequences available in public databases."@en . . "Die Archaeorhizomycetes sind eine 2011 neu beschriebene Klasse der Schlauchpilze mit im Moment (Dezember 2014) zwei beschriebenen Arten (Archaeorhizomyces finlayi und Archaeorhizomyces borealis), aber mindestens 100 verschiedenen sogenannten \u201E\u201C (OTUs)."@de . . "Archaeorhizomyces \u00E9 um g\u00EAnero de fungo descrito em 2011 que pertence a uma fam\u00EDlia, ordem e classe monot\u00EDpicas, respectivamente Archaeorhizomycetaceae, Archaeorhizomycetales e Archaeorhizomycetes. Uma \u00FAnica esp\u00E9cie foi descrita para este g\u00EAnero, Archaeorhizomyces finlayi, entretanto, muitas outras esp\u00E9cies s\u00E3o conhecidas."@pt . "\u53E4\u6839\u83CC\u7DB1"@zh . . . . . . "Archaeorhizomyces"@de . . "5235"^^ . "Archaeorhizomycetes Rosling and T. James \u00E8 una classe del phylum Ascomycota comprendente funghi terricoli noti soltanto attraverso il sequenziamento molecolare. Al momento comprende un solo ordine, Archaeorhizomycetales Rosling and T. James, con una sola famiglia Archaeorhizomycetaceae Rosling and T. James il solo genere Archaeorhizomyces Rosling and T. James. Specie descritte: 2, identificate esclusivamente su base molecolare."@it . . . . "Die Archaeorhizomycetes sind eine 2011 neu beschriebene Klasse der Schlauchpilze mit im Moment (Dezember 2014) zwei beschriebenen Arten (Archaeorhizomyces finlayi und Archaeorhizomyces borealis), aber mindestens 100 verschiedenen sogenannten \u201E\u201C (OTUs)."@de . . "Archaeorhizomycetes Rosling & T.Y. James \u2013 klasa grzyb\u00F3w z gromady workowc\u00F3w (Ascomycota)."@pl . . "Archaeorhizomycetes"@en . "Archaeorhizomycetes is a class of fungi in the subdivision Taphrinomycotina of the Ascomycota. So far, the class has only one described order, Archaeorhizomycetales, family, Archaeorhizomycetaceae, and genus, Archaeorhizomyces. The class was first described by a team led by Anna Rosling in 2011. Species in the class are globally distributed, and grow in soil and around roots. Specific known host trees of various Archaeorhizomyces species include hemlock, spruce, pine and heather, but other species colonise hardwoods generally."@en . "\u53E4\u6839\u83CC\u7DB1\uFF08\u5B78\u540D\uFF1AArchaeorhizomycetes\uFF09\u662F\u5B50\u56CA\u83CC\u9580\u5916\u56CA\u83CC\u4E9E\u9580\u4E0B\u7684\u4E00\u500B\u7DB1\uFF0C\u767C\u8868\u65BC2011\u5E74\uFF0C\u5176\u4E0B\u53EA\u6709\u4E00\u500B\u55AE\u578B\u76EE\u53E4\u6839\u83CC\u76EE\uFF08Archaeorhizomycetales\uFF09\u3001\u4E00\u500B\u55AE\u578B\u79D1\u53E4\u6839\u83CC\u79D1\uFF08Archaeorhizomycetaceae\uFF09\u8207\u4E00\u500B\u55AE\u578B\u5C6C\u53E4\u6839\u83CC\u5C6C\uFF08Archaeorhizomyces\uFF09\uFF0C\u76EE\u524D\u53EA\u6709\u5169\u7A2E\u7269\u7A2E\u88AB\u767C\u8868\u3002\u53E4\u6839\u83CC\u7DB1\u4E0B\u7684\u7269\u7A2E\u5EE3\u6CDB\u5206\u4F48\u65BC\u5168\u7403\uFF0C\u9664\u5357\u6975\u6D32\u5916\u5728\u5404\u5927\u6D32\u7686\u6709\u5206\u5E03\uFF0C\u751F\u9577\u65BC\u571F\u58E4\u4E2D\u690D\u7269\u6839\u90E8\u7684\u9644\u8FD1\u3002"@zh . . "Archaeorhizomyces \u2014 \u0440\u0456\u0434 \u0433\u0440\u0438\u0431\u0456\u0432 \u0440\u043E\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0438 . \u041D\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0430 \u0432\u043F\u0435\u0440\u0448\u0435 \u043E\u043F\u0443\u0431\u043B\u0456\u043A\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043D\u0430 2011 \u0440\u043E\u043A\u0443."@uk . . "Rosling and T.James"@en . . . . . "Archaeorhizomycetes"@pl . "Els Archaeorhizomyces, membres del Soil Clone Group 1, constitueixen una classe de fongs filamentosos de vida subterr\u00E0nia descoberta l'any 2011. El seu nom deriva del grec i significa antics fongs de les arrels. Es considera que t\u00E9 centenars d'esp\u00E8cies, que s\u00F3n molt comunes i que la seva distribuci\u00F3 \u00E9s cosmopolita. S'han trobat, actualment, aquests fongs en diferents ecosistemes com les pinedes de Su\u00E8cia, herbassars de Calif\u00F2rnia i boscos tropicals plujosos de Costa Rica i Austr\u00E0lia."@ca . . . .