| - Pierre Henry (born 9 December 1927, Paris, France) is a French composer, considered a pioneer of the musique concrète genre of electronic music.After traditional studies at the Academy of Paris, with Olivier Messiaen (harmony) and Nadia Boulanger (composition), Pierre made, in 1949, a decisive meeting with Pierre Schaeffer, with whom he foundered the GRMC (Groupe de recherche de musique concrète), dedicated to the experimentation in %22concrete music%22. In collaboration with Schaeffer he wrote Symphonie pour un homme seul (1950) and the %22concrete%22 opera Orphée (1951), revised as Orphée 53 (1953) which has the astonishing sequence Le Voile d'Orphée%22, where one finds already the stretching of the duration, characteristic of his style, and the presence of death, which will not cease inspiring him. After having founded his own studio [l310338], he undertook a long collaboration with the choreographer [a1381082]. Working initially in the direction of a certain purification, with the ballet Le Voyage (1962), according to the Tibetan Book of Dead, and the famous Variations pour une porte et un soupir (1963), he returned to a certain baroquism with the Messe de Liverpool (1967-68) and the Apocalypse de Jean (1968), or works of a readily disproportionate ambition like the Dixième symphonie, gigantic joining of extracts of the nine symphonies of Beethoven (1979), or the spectacle of the Noces chymiques (1980), he is at the same time the composer and the director. By his productivity, his taste of excess and his extraordinary imagination, Pierre Henry is regarded as the most prolific composer of electroacoustic music of our time. Owner of [l305172].