| - Climate change is projected to impact human health in many ways including changes in water availability and quality, air quality and sanitation, availability and access to food and nutrition and transmission of vector-borne diseases. Environmental consequences of climate change, such as extreme heat waves, rising sea levels, changes in precipitation resulting in flooding and droughts, intense hurricanes (cyclones, typhoons) and degraded air quality, can affect directly and indirectly the physical, social and psychological health of humans. Climate change and human health have emerged as an important focus of research in the World Health Organization since 2008. However, the First International Conference on Health and Climate organised by the WHO in August 2014 in Geneva recognises the relevance of the impact of climate change on human health from a global-change and health perspective. This chapter also highlights policies of the United States, China and India towards GHG emission reduction and the successful climate agreement in Paris in December 2015.