| - Modern pharmacological studies on Danshen have shown that the pharmacologic actions of Danshen mainly include dilating vessels, promoting blood flow, improving microcirculation, changing blood viscosity, increasing myocardial blood and oxygen supplies, reducing myocardial consumption of oxygen, etc. The drug is used to treat diseases of the cardio-cerebrovascular system. In addition, Danshen also has antitumor, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory functions. Therefore, Danshen has wide clinical application. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of reports on the clinical application of Danshen extract and Danshen compound preparations. Danshen is seldom used alone; rather, it is usually combined with other drugs to form compound preparations. Various Danshen preparations have been developed, such as Compound Danshen Tablets, Compound Danshen Dropping Pill ( Dantonic™), Compound Danshen Granules, Compound Danshen Capsule, Compound Danshen Oral Liquid, Compound Danshen Aerosol, and Compound Danshen Injection (CDI), etc. The successful development of these preparations has improved product quality, enhanced efficacy, and opened up broader prospects for Danshen’s clinical application.