| - Since SARS-Cov-2 epidemic appeared in Wuhan China, it became challenge for health authorities to counter Covid-19 epidemic. Early evaluation of suspects, screening for Covid-19 and management posed challenge to health authorities especially in developing countries which were not ready to cope with it. Early mild symptoms appeared during course of disease provide a chance to early detect Covid-19. We use retrospective methodology to collect available data on early sign and symptoms of Covid-19 through accessing World Health Organization (WHO) webpages, New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), Nature Journal, Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) network, British Medical Journal (BJM), Lancet and other world renowned journal publications to establish a relationship of early symptoms for detection of Covid-19. Data of 2707 Covid-19 laboratory confirmed cases was collected and analyzed for early signs. Available data was categorized into physical and blood biomarkers. This categorized data was assessed for scoring early detection of Covid-19 by scoring Hashmi-Asif Covid-19 formula. Each characteristic was given a score in Hashmi-Asif Covid-19 chart with maximum score of 28. Scoring 16 on chart means Covid-19 will fully develop in near future. Correlation of each sign and symptoms with development of Covid-19 in formula showed significant correlation assessed by Pearson correlation and Spearman Correlation coefficient (rho) showed significant correlation of development of Covid-19 with fever 64.11% (P=0.001), cough 65% and dry mucus 19.67% equally sensitive (P=0.000), leukopenia 19.06% (P=0.006), lymphopenia 52.93% (P=0.005), thrombopenia 19.1% (P=0.013), elevated Aspartate aminotransferase 12.79% (P=0.007) and elevated Alanine aminotransferase 11.34% (P=0.006). Chart can sense Covid-19 progression 72-96 hours earlier compared to usual course of disease and detection by standard method. Chart for early detection provides early quarantine decision to reduce disease spread and give ample time for intervening disease progression to reduce morbidity time due to Covid-19